Nilton's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Equity Real Estate - Davis Co. Office
My personal views about Real Estate and related issues, although my personal views might be a little unorthodox to some people.
In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods. On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping. (Darn, and that's the only time I have to work on my hair). On a bag of Fritos -- You could be a winner! ...
For most of us, Chinese is a very difficult language to learn or understand. Hopefully, these simplifications will help you understand the Chinese language just a bit better!Ai Bang Mai Ne - I bumped into the coffee tableChin Tu Fat - You need a face lift Dum Gai - A stupid person Gun Pao Der - A...
Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year and yet you never keep them? Here are some resolutions that you can actually accomplish! Enjoy! :-)10. Read less. 9. I want to gain weight. Put on at least 30 pounds. 8. Stop exercising. Waste of time. 7. Watch more TV. I've been missing...
New Year Nerd ResolutionsNEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS YOU WON'TBE ABLE TO KEEP IF YOU'RE A NERD 16. I resolve... I resolve to... I resolve to, uh... I resolve to, uh, get my, er... I resolve to, uh, get my, er, off-line work done, too!15. I will stop checking my e-mail at 3:00 in the morning... 4:30 is m...
A doctor, a lawyer and a real estate agent were discussing the relative merits of having a wife or a mistress.The lawyer says: "For sure a mistress is better. If you have a wife and want a divorce, it causes all sorts of legal problems."The doctor says: "It's better to have a wife because the sen...
A friend is sending me some of those (one or two a week).  Here is my collection so far...  CHARMING - Tiny. Snow White might fit, but five of the dwarfs would haveto find their own place. See "Cute," "Enchanting," and "Good Starter Home."MUCH POTENTIAL - Grim. Steer clear unless you have a lot o...
For those who can't imagine life in a small city, here are some facts to be known:Clinton City, UTPopulation (year 2000): 12,585. Estimated population in July 2005: 17,735 (+40.9% change)Males: 6,353 (50.5%), Females: 6,232 (49.5%)Zip code: 84015Median resident age: 25.3 years Median household in...
Lenders... step up and be counted...Is there a program out there for people with credit score under 550?  What about the famous "no doc"?  Some or my clients had been approved in the past with "less than perfect" credit, and now have come to me with referrals that I can't help.  Are the guideline...
My Association makes it very clear in our Code of Ethics, that giving away big screen TVs or a trip to Hawaii for those who list with us is not ethical.  The specific clause follows (italics added):Standard of Practice 12-3The offering of premiums, prizes, merchandise discounts or other inducemen...
I am in a sharing mood today.  Everything that can get us to be better professionals is always welcome. This is a basic list, but very to the point.  Enjoy.THE SACRED SEVEN1 - Disclose everything and hide nothing.2 - Communicate in WRITING all information as often as possible to all parties invol...

Nilton De Macedo

local_phone(801) 779-1595
smartphone(801) 499-2633
Contact The Author
My personal views about Real Estate and related issues, although my personal views might be a little unorthodox to some people.