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Oxymoron Diaries | Frugal Gambler. Just back from Vegas and as I said in my recent post, Oxymoron Diaries|Comfortable Stilettos, Sin City is ripe for the pickin' when it comes to oxymorons. Today's addition is Frugal Gambler. Since my feet were killing me on a number of occasions, I really had no...
Ask the Experts and Parade of Techniques for March 16, 2012. it's been a few weeks since I did an Ask the Experts and Parade of Techniques post. I've got some great stuff gathered from our R Squared calls.   Question - The weather has been uncharacteristically warm recently for winter, so I need ...
Piggy backing on yesterday's Oxymoron Diaries | Short Sale, today I've added Oxymoron Diaries|Homeless Households. This was brought to my attention when doing a search on twitter for #oxymoron. The tweet had a link to a BBC Mobile article on Housing in England. Here's the link to the article. htt...
Oxymoron Diaries | Short Sale. I've been involved in the real estate business in some way, shape or form for nearly a decade. I am also a writer whose current project is The Oxymoron Diaries|Twelve Ounce Poundcake. I got to thinking about real estate and oxymorons and immediately came up with the...
Oxymoron Diaries | Comfortable Stilettos. I'm just back from a meeting in Las Vegas and boy, oh boy, was it ripe with oxymorons. First on my list is Comfortable Stilettos. Hard as a tried, my feet were a hurtin' from the git go. I needed to wear heels for my meetings so I had no choice. And my ne...
Did you know you can download a Kindle FREE to your PC, laptop, iPad, or smartphone? No? Well, you can! Go ahead and do it now so you can read The Oxymoron Diaries "Twelve Ounce Poundcake", a full length novel. Only $2.99 the entire month of March! Click here to get the FREE download or app.   FR...
Oxymoron Diaries | Easy to Follow Directions Yeah, right. I can remember years ago in my previous life the dryer broke down. This was way back. Way, way back. I was 22 years old, two little kids, our first house and we were broke, broke, broke. And like I said, the dryer broke down. Did I mention...
Oxymoron Diaries | Disposable Plastic.   We recycle. Truly we do. At least we try our best to try our best. Unfortunately, I just walked into our family room and took one look at the two Golden Doodles, Cappy and Izzy, and realized that our efforts at re-cycling may be a bit, shall we say, for na...
The Oxymoron Diaries | Twelve Ounce Poundcake | Didi O'Neil | Excerpt from Chapter Nine | Big Sip. (Used with permission of the author.)      “I didn’t hire you to think straight. I hired you for your slightly askew perspectives. And I have the utmost faith in you. So do Fritz and Alfredo. They’v...
Book Review | The Oxymoron Diaries | Twelve Ounce Poundcake. Recent reviews: From N.B.N. - "If sarcasm and an acid-tongue top your list of fiction prerequisites, then look no further. What I thought would be solely a work of fiction for the kinder and gentler sex turned into one laugh after anot...

Dee Nofziger

Maumee Real Estate, Toledo Homes, Key Realty
local_phone(419) 260-1435
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A Daily Drizzle of Real Estate Information and Humor, including the Real Estate Climate in Northwest Ohio, with Toledo Home Search thrown in, too.

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