Holy cow! I just checked my google analytics and I have more than 500,000 pageviews in the last 30 days. In fact, over 543,000! How did I do it? Hint: It's not from blogging every day. Yes, it's about quality over quantity. In fact this is from under 300 blog posts (I thin 286 to be exact). A
Last week, I wrote an article comparing sisal and jute rugs. These are both natural fiber area rugs, and they do look kind of similar, but they definitely do have different properties. To make a long story short, jutes are much softer. You can easily put your feet on them and feel comforted. S
I'm super excited about this...and I almost forgot about the phone interview I did with Elizabeth Mayhew from the Washington Post. Several weeks ago when I checked my contact forms I had a request from Elizabeth Mayhew. I recognized the name instanteously. Why? Because I used to watch her ever
The other day, I got a phone call from someone in Kentucky who needed some help with his Brazilian Cherry floors. They were just sanded and refinished, and here's what they looked like: There were 4 other pictures like this. What's the problem? The refinisher added a sealer to the wood. And,
This is simply for fun. But, I'd love to know what your favorite paint color is. Sometimes when we get entrenched in our work, think about things in certain ways...in categories. Lately, I've been helping a lot of people pick paint colors (as well as stain color...and sometimes how to choose b
Lately, I've been doing a lot of in home design consultations. I help customers picking stain colors and pain colors. While I'm there, I often give them other design advice as well as tell them the right order to do things. (In this regards, I know much more than the average decorator given my
This time, it only took me 1 month! So in middle of December, I launched my ebook. It was on Off page SEO. It took me 2 months...plus 2 years of gathering the courage to even attempt it. I was really nervous about what other bloggers would think about it, but it was a huge success. I did this l
As many of you know, I'm trying to do a bit of a site audit on my site...optimizing my articles for content, SEO, page speed, CTA's, etc. It's been eye opening as I'm also catching mistakes and broken links as I go along. It's taking a while and I just do a bit each week. (I have a hunch it wil
Great advice (as usual) from Bill Gassett . Some of these were already on my radar screen. One or two weren't. I need to get on the ball and do these over the next week or two. And, you need to as well. Believe me, it will really help. Digital Marketing For a Realtor One of the most importan
So I finally got around to updating my 2018 hardwood flooring trend post and transforming it to my Hardwood Flooring Trends for 2019. (Feel free to read it, comment and/or share on social media...I'll take any help I can get. This is a project I was supposed to do in October. Oops. Well at lea