A Personal CFO's Approach to Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - Keller Williams Realty
Your Personal CFO in Austin, TX. Let me put my twenty years of financial expertise to work for you.
For those interested in a great narrative about the peaceful and beautiful country living available in the community of Bear Creek Oaks, I highly recommend you read Gail Tassey's recent post. http://activerain.com/blogsview/352213/The-Village-of-BearIf you have a buyer looking for six country par...
In a non-scientific poll I just completed, more than nine out of ten agents surveyed indicated that they would not purchase a pair of shoes that did not fit well. Many went so far as to comment that a truly comfortable pair of shoes is priceless. In fact, when they were able to find a pair that f...
IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMESAs a CFO for several start-up companies, it was always very important to use resources (i.e. cash) wisely.  The management team was responsible for allocating effort and dollars to the initiatives that allowed the company to maintain a focus on promoting its unique value p...
THE (REAL ESTATE) SKY IS FALLING:It is true that the national housing market experienced a slowdown in 2007. New home starts were significantly down as were resales of existing homes. AND SO ARE INTEREST RATES:It is also true that 2008 has begun with a reduction in interest rates.  Last week, in ...

David Brodsky

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This blog is intended to stimulate discussion regarding the value an agent can provide to his clients when approaching the opportunity to help as a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) would approach managing the financial affairs and requirements of a business.