Ok, I know this is minor in the scheme of things - especially since I haven't put in the appropriate SEO terms or other items... but I've finally made the committment. I've gotten an ActiveRain membership, and therefore made the commitment to do what needs to be done to maintain this blog.. This
Overwhelmed by Farmville posts? Don't care whose Mafia is warring with whom? I'll agree, the sheer volume of game posts on Facebook can sometimes cause me to tear my hair out! But then a status or two will pass my feed, and remind me why Facebook is such a valuable tool. I play a game on the site
In Jeanna Martinez's excellent blog post "Schedules, planning, accountability... blah blah blah," Jeanna raves about how making a weekly schedule helped keep her sanity intact. My question to her (and all of you) is: what do you do when real life gets in the way of that schedule? I'm not talking
I saw this sign when I was driving back from the Target at Happy Valley & Lake Pleasant the other day - you can't imagine my joy! Now, I know that sushi isn't one of the first foods you think of when thinking of Arizona, but for me, Squid Ink Sushi is going to fill a HUGE hole. My mother is Japan
…that I really should do more often. It’s been a while since my last (ok..first) blog. I’m still trying to figure out how to make the time to blog when the ideas come to me. Unfortunately, that’s usually at 4 a.m., and it’s hard to get motivated to write when I know that my kids will be up in two
...I've decided to start a blog. You have to understand my feelings about blogs. They’re usually non-productive. I liked to call them “plogs” – plodding, self-serving dialogs to no one written by people who think that others care what they say… or are drunk enough to think that. However, recentl