Josh came home tonight after a long day at Long Realty West Valley's Surprise, AZ office and told me about a strange phone call he had received on his cell phone. It was fellow Terramar resident from our little corner of Peoria, AZ, asking if she had reached the Terramar Homeowner's Association.
Thanks to the guys over at Tech Geek and More (ok, so one, in particular, whom I've known for practically forever and a day, so he knows I like geeky presents) I have a new toy to play with - my very own WordPress site! Needless to say, it's pretty much a blank canvas at the moment, but I've bee
and this is why... That was the view from behind Terramar, the subdivision where I live and work. I've written about the hot air balloons in Peoria, AZ before, but there were more balloons launching today than I've ever seen before. The best part is that you can get really close to the balloons.
Yeah, I know. This is a blog mainly because it's too long to be a tweet, which tend to be all over the place in content and tone. I have a dog - my very first dog ever. She's an old dog. 14 and a half, to be exact. And with age, comes certain...issues for dogs, as they do with people and houses.
While reading my email this morning, a letter to the editor in Inman News caught my eye - "A Plan to Solve the Housing Crisis." Great! I thought... let's hear some ideas! After all, I love it when a plan comes together... As I read the letter, however, I realized that my problems with the soluti
"They" say home is where the heart is... but in our house, home is where the Huggy and Buddy are.... As background, I have two overly intelligent (to my sleep-deprived brain) kids - both of whom have what are commonly called "loveys" - little stuffed animals (discontinued Ty Plushies, to be exac
It's a new year, and like most people, it was time to re-evaluate our goals, loves, dreams... well, ok, maybe just the goals. I think we have the love and dreams part down (#1 on my list... potty training the second, and LAST, child. Love him to death, but my dream is for a life without diapers.
...because I'm working with the fabulous lunch crew at the Arizona Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day walk! Every day for three days, we set up tents, feed and hydrate 1500+ hungry walkers who are walking 60 miles to help beat breast cancer, and then tear down the tents to do it again the next da
One of the sights I love most in Arizona is that of the many hot air balloons taking off for sunrise and sunset flights in Peoria and Phoenix AZ. My daughter used to count the balloons taking off in the mornings on her way to school down the I-17 freeway - they would line the freeway, in every em
Trick or treating is one of the most fun times of year for kids - ask mine! They've been practicing their trick-or-treat technique around the house for the last week. Here are five tips that will help keep the small (and larger) ones safe while they trick or treat in Peoria, AZ, courtesy of the