Dan Hopper's (danhopper) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Dan Hopper - Gold Way RE
    Denver, CO – The right agent can make the difference between success and failure on your short sale. You risk losing a lot when your agent doesn’t understand short sales or does not have a short sale team in place to assist the process! Do not wait when your time to foreclose is near before d...
    Denver, CO – If you caught the show 60 Minutes on December 18th you may have been brought up to date with how dim the housing markets may be in many geographical areas, and yours might be affected, as well. It’s not so much that houses aren’t necessarily selling or that buyers aren’t looking;...
Denver, CO – We often get asked that question. Some people think that since they are walking away from a large upside down mortgage, then the bank won’t approve it. That usually isn’t true. I wanted to put together a few examples of people the Stop Foreclosure Institute has helped with a short s...
    Denver, CO – Selling a home is part financial, part logic, and a lot of emotion. Everyone knows that feeling when you walk into the home that’s “the one”; you get that breath taking feeling, the butterflies in the belly and that instant view of your family sitting on that couch in front of th...
Westminster CO – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Will. Here was his question. “I am thinking of short selling my house. There are some problems with the house. I know that most home buyers get a home inspected before they buy it. Do I have to tell them about the ...
    Westminster CO – Here is a story about a Reverse Mortgage Short Sale which is still in the process of accomplishing a satisfactory conclusion! It may foreclose before resolving the issue! I want to share the oddity of this situation, in the event you ever come across the same situation. Be ca...

Dan Hopper

Colorado Broker / Referral Services
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