Dan Edward Phillips's (danedwardphillips) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Dan Edward Phillips
Are you aware of the 'Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption'? In Humboldt County, California and most counties in California there is a Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption. A veteran who is rated 100% disabled due to a service-connected disability or the unmarried surviving spouse of the ...
What is a "Supplemental Assessment" of your property taxes in Humboldt County, California? In the case of change in ownership of a property or a new addition to a home the Assessors Office will reassess the property and issue a "Supplemental Assessment".  That ‘Supplemental Assessment' will refle...
In the event of a major earthquake (in this area of Northern California it is just a 'matter of time'), it may be necessary to shut off the gas line to your home at the gas meter. Everyone in the family should know how to shut off the gas service. Make sure every member knows where the gas meter ...
Don't forget the garage when preparing your home for an earthquake.  Your vehicle may become a very important asset after an earthquake. Make sure that nothing heavy will fall and block the garage door.  Attach all shelving units to the wall of the garage so they will not 'fall over' on your vehi...
It is easy to loose valuables in an earthquake.  I am not talking about paintings, jewelry or cash.  They usually survive or are insured. When you live in 'earthquake country' you need to be very careful about where you place or leave items that have great sentimental value. Our last earthquake w...
Access to your home is a critical issue after an earthquake.  Your home needs to be checked as soon as possible after an earthquake hits. The reason; secondary damage.  Once an earthquake 'hits' you need to carefully walk through your home to inspect for damage that may not be apparent from the o...
If you are considering listing your home and it has an old wood deck that is rotten, consider removing it before listing the property.  You will avoid telling buyers that the deck or patio is unsafe.  If you cannot afford to replace the deck or patio after you remove it, just add steps and a hand...
This is an excellent post on the subject of support posts under a home.  Thank you to Donald Hester of NCW Home Inspections, LLC of Wenatchee, WA for the post.  Please leave comments on Donald's original post.   Jack of all Trades- Wenatchee Home InspectionsJack of all trades, master of none, is ...
For clients who are having a home remodeled, this is a very interesting post to provide them.  Thank you to James Quarello of JRV Home Inspection Services, LLC in Wallingford, CT for the post.  Please leave comments on James original post.Cold weather makes people aware of their homes’ over all w...
If you have children and you wonder if your windows have 'safety glass' this post will provide the information you need to know.  Thank you to Chrissy Doremus of U.S. Inspect in Chantilly, VA for the post.  Please leave comments on Chrissy's original post. Safety glass has been a great invention!...

Dan Edward Phillips

Realtor and Broker/Owner
local_phone(707) 407-5150
smartphone(707) 407-5150
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