Dan's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Allred Realty
To sell real estate in Southern Ca. in today's market requires an agent that understands not only the conditions but the communities. I believe to get the most for your house you need a realtor that knows your community and what your community has to offer. As a life long resident of Ventura County I know this county not just a neighborhood. My goal is simple... "Meeting your needs today...for tomorrow. To learn more about me visit my website @ www. Allredrealty.com
Many new agents come into this business thinking they are going to be instant millionaires. After starting off great they begin to listen to the "experienced agent" that has found themselves selling a house or two a year. Soon the new agent has begun to lose focus and lose sales. This is not the ...
Recently I began evaluating my choices, my life, my family and what I choose to do with my time. The outcome of this "self evaluation" made me realize that often we get so caught up in that next deal that we tend to forget about or at the least neglect that which should be most important to us. A...

Dan Allred

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smartphone(805) 390-0418
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To sell real estate in Southern Ca. in today's market requires an agent that understands not only the conditions but the communities. I believe to get the most for your house you need a realtor that knows your community and what your community has to offer. As a life long resident of Ventura County I know this county not just a neighborhood. My goal is simple... "Meeting your needs today...for tomorrow. To learn more about me visit my website @ www. Allredrealty.com