It's the center of a lot of residents' lives... A great little market that stocks more than I can find in the local Stop 'n' Shop, and a lot of varieties, too! This market is interested in what the consumer of the area wants and participates in almost every fund raiser and community effort th
Please Pay It Forward!! I attended Rain Camp all day yesterday -- WHAT AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF GREAT INFORMATION! Well Done!! I enjoyed every minute! Rain Camp is an event run by the Active Rain (it's a real estate site) group. It's focus yesterday was on the new social media (Facebook, T
I am soo excited about this Active Rain!!! I have always assumed that it would take years and years of blogging and a beautiful website, etc. I have been semi-active with Active Rain now for three years, and put up a post on my blog occasionally. I just looked at what would happen if I
I am soo excited about this Active Rain!!! I have always assumed that it would take years and years of blogging and a beautiful website, etc. I have been semi-active with Active Rain now for three years, and put up a post on my blog occasionally. I just looked at what would happen if I
I would certainly LOVE to upgrade my photo on my site, but do not have a clue as to what an HD Photo is..... It is certainly a great idea to keep all of your sites totally up-to-date and spiffy all the time. What a learning curve there is out there in this technology world! Learning how to