Congratulations, you’ve found your clients dream home, they are feeling great about it, they are excited about the price and you made sure it was still available. Now what? Once a client has committed to moving forward – SHUT UP! And get it in writing as quickly as possible. This will eliminate a...
Winning in real estate requires focus & commitment to your core values. There’s got to be a powerful, driving reason for you to be in this business. Just because it looks easy, doesn’t require an education, it hardly costs anything, and you can’t find any other J.O.B., doesn’t mean real estate is...
How many real estate agents do you know that are continuously trying to win the “Miss Congeniality” award? Here’s a secret, not everyone is going to like you! No matter how great you are, regardless if you feel you are doing everything right or not. If things just aren’t clicking ... get over i...
Time after time I’ve heard agents tell me they know just how to adjust their approach to a potential client based on how the person dresses, what kind of watch they wear, how old they are, or how wealthy they appear to be. Are you frick’n crazy???? Assuming that you don’t need to qualify someone ...
If you want to succeed in the real estate business and stop be compared to the industry standard cliché, bottom feeders, scum bags attorneys or used car salesman … then you need to be best.In order to be the best, you must be an expert, and in order to be an expert … you must be focused with boun...
When I say, “pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered,” I am talking about the word GREED. Why is it that so many Buyers, Sellers & REALTORS focus on the Money, instead of the VALUE or service? Why do people have to have the carpet pulled out from under them in order to listen? For some … the bull head...
Here’s the biggest reason why agents drop their pants, cut their commissions and get naked right in front of their potential sellers … No Confidence! If you can’t negotiate on your own behalf, there’s not a chance in hell you can negotiate on someone else’s.What value do you bring to the table? W...
Stop letting your “Wanna be” or “Someday buyers” in the very near DISTANT future … drag you threw the ringer, waste your time, piss you off to all hell, and make you want to run to the nearest “watering hole” to say VERY bad things behind their backs … IT’S NOT WORTH IT! Good Lord, how valuable i...
Stop bouncing up and down, jumping into your car and taking off to show a floor call prospect without pre-qualifying them first.How hard is it to ask a few simple questions, get to know who the hell you’re talking to before wasting everybody’s time.At lease respect yourself and your time, if you’...
No seriously, who cares? Do you really believe that the public understands the 3 or 4 letter acronyms on your business card, nametag, or wherever you the hell you plaster it?I am going to let you in on a tiny little secret …YOU are the only person that cares about your designations! Congratulatio...