It may seem like a broken record, but according to Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey, mortgage rates have once again fallen to new all-time record lows. This is great news for Northern Virginia homeowners as well as for those seeking to enter the market. The previous low records were...
This year has been an active one for Northern Virginia weather. From a severe summer storm to a late-season hurricane followed immediately by an early-season nor’easter, this year certainly hasn’t been meteorologically boring. Once the immediate danger has passed, these tips from This Old House...
Getting ready to sell your Northern Virginia home doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Once you’ve made the decision to sell and retained the services of a professional realtor, there are some basic things you can do to help make the sale move right along. First, organize and clean your ho...
When you’re ready to buy a home in Northern Virginia, getting pre-approved for your financing is a good idea. It will help you narrow down the market to those properties that are within your range. It’s not the only thing you should have ready to go, though. The most valuable part of your negot...
At Labor Day, we saw solid evidence that the housing market was in recovery mode. Summer market statistics showed a diminishing backlog of homes in foreclosure, increases in sale prices, and continuing record-low mortgage rates. Here in Northern Virginia, the market news is still good as we head ...
Buying a home here in Northern Virginia is admittedly a very big step. Homes are big investments, but they’re not simply financial investments. Finding the right one for you and your lifestyle requires an investment in time, too – house hunting time as well as house thinking time. Getting your ho...
Freddie Mac's recent Primary Mortgage Market Survey® held good news for the Northern Virginia real estate market. Fixed mortgage rates broke their previous average record lows – this means that affordability remains high, and refinancing is still strong. The survey found that nearly all mortgag...
Take advantage of the warm autumn sun here in Northern Virginia, and give your yard some TLC that will help it pass the winter months with flying colors. Winter can be especially hard on lawns so give them some extra muscle now by feeding them with a high phosphorus mix (12-25-12). Grass roots ...
Even though we often think of autumn as the beginning of the end of the year, there’s always a lot of energy and bustle that goes along with it. Here in Northern Virginia, there are new adventures to be had when the leaves begin to turn, events that tap into our rich history and our wonderfully...
According to broker Kristin Willens, most prospective buyers make up their minds about a home within 7 seconds of entering the house. First impressions are everything, and it’s no different here in Arlington County. When selling a home, you can turn this to your advantage without making a huge ...