I love the fact that HUD homes have wonderful financial and resourceful programs that assist the owner occupant in the purchase of these homes. They offer a unique financial benefit called a "Repair Escrow" which enables a buyer to purchase the home of their dreams and have the repairs performed...
I was recently at an REO industry conference where I was able to speak to heads of many of the financial institutions about where all the assets are, since we've been told since last year that they're coming. All said that they have a huge amount of assets and that they won't be out until the be...
I know you're saying to yourself, "Why would I want to buy, or represent a buyer, on a HUD Home", but I'm here to tell you, HUD Homes are the Bomb, in so many ways. First, as an agent, it's only a 1 page contract, there's an FHA appraisal already on the home that your client doesn't have to pay ...
It's been a shaky 2009 for many homeowners and real estate professionals alike and we're not seeing a great deal of support from the Feds, as they're substantially increasing our taxes in 2010, and in fact, may be imparing our recovery and total economic outlook. Unfortunately, no one has a cry...
I've surpried recently with the upsurge of cranky escrow officers, and title people, especially from the Southern California area where title and escrow are separate. They no longer want to go out of their way for you and in fact, don't even seem like the want to do their job these days. I real...
I'm assiting a client in a large land purchase and wanted some suggestions on anything more to look out for other than the potability & productivity of the wells, soil testing around septics, appraisal, eir, biological, botanical, archaelogical surveys - anything specific I should be asking for f...
As a resident in the Sacramento area I find it an unfortunate state of affairs when the real estae forecast shows continued increase in foreclosures for the next 2 years, but that is the general concensus of opinion that I have found after attending a recent conference on the foreclosure market. ...
I'm condsidering creating an LLC for my real estate business but I don't know much about them and the books on them are thick! Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with an LLC and how did you go about creating one. I've heard that you can actually put one together yourself, but n...
I've had this happen to me at least 5 times and every time I'm mad at myself for not being more assertive in telling a client that their "friend" or "relative" in the lending business is screwing them in the program or fees they are trying to put them in. It's difficult to tell a buyer that they'...
Why aren't there more buyers moving into the market given the price reductions?? Knowing that interest rates may escalate at any time you would think there would be more activity. I gues what I mean to say is that, there is buyer activity but many of them are still sitting on the fence and no m...