Proposition 8 may offer an opportunity for you to temporarily lower your property taxes. Proposition 8, provides County Tax Assessors with the authority to temporarily lower the assessed value of real property when the valueis higher than market value as of the January 1, lien date. To lower yo...
Marty Roberts of Solar Sonoma County just emailed me with some exciting news. Santa Rosa was recently named one of 12 new "Solar America Cities," which qualifies the city to receive federal funding and technical assistance for project implementation of its Solar Sonoma County grant proposal. Th...
The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) announced a temporary increase to conforming loan limits for loan originations starting July 1, 2007 and ending Dec. 31, 2008. The government also raised loan limits FHA guaranteed mortgages for loans originated between now and Dec. 31, 2...
Here's a lead generator you may want to try... I spoke with my local Homes and Land Magazine Representative and received permission to offer a free copy of the magazine on my website. Here's what I did to set it up on my Ala mode x-site.Created a custom lead capture form.Added a custom content f...
From time to time I have buyers calling me to try and find homes that have not been treated with pesticides. Usually these people are cancer victims but more and more people are beginning to understand the impact that pesticides have on ourselves and our environment. If you are concerned about ...
Sponsored by the Climate Protection Campaign: Take a trip to San Francisco and learn about Peter Barnes proposal to meet the scientific imperative for climate AND narrow the gap between rich and poor. Peter Barnes, is Senior Fellow with the Tomales Bay Institute, Co-founder of Working Assets and...
Help keep junk mail out of our landfills. Go to Mail Preference Service to remove your name and address from 3rd class mailing lists. Also it may not be necessary to call companies to be removed from catalog lists. I've been fairly successful sending an email reque...
All I can say is ... WOW! If you want to live in a green community, you need to check out this new Sebastopol based live/work community designed by Architect, Steve Sheldon. Florence Lofts has been created with an unquestionably deep commitment to our environment. Don't miss the opportunity to ...
I just discovered a great new (beta) feature at, thanks to Eric Richardson's Real Estate Tech Blog and his Ala-mode website I can now chat with visitors to my website. Its so easy to add a custom on-line chat button that appears on all of your web pages a...
I'm planning on attending the Sotheby's International Networking Event in Boca Raton in May and thought it might be a good idea to do some pre-networking. Is anyone else planning on attending? I went to a West Coast regional event last fall and it was quite productive. Has anyone attended the ...