Cuter Bay Real Estate Leader

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How do I apply for Homestead Exemption in Miami? That is a great question and the timing is perfect. The Miami-Dade Property Appraiser is currently taking applications for Homestead Exemption from January 1, 2014  until March 3, 2014. If you have Homestead Exemption on you home and receiver a let...
HR1728 Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act HR 1728 has already passed the House and is now in the Senate waiting on a vote to become law.  The main points of the law are more protection for the consumer from the lender.  Notice I said Lender not Banks or Mortgage companies, so I am inc...
That is right we have two 8K programs out there, and we need to know how they differ and not confuse them. The Federal Government has offered the First Time Home Buyer a tax credit off their federal tax return, even if you don't owe taxes you will still get the up to $8K back.  This offer was to ...
For those that have heard whispering about a $15000 Tax Credit, it is true.  Both the House and Senate have bills introduced that expand on the current program.  One of the bills introduced by Sen. Johnny Isakson a Republican from Georgia proposes an increase to $15,000 or 10% of the purchase pri...
The PSC has scheduled 5 customers service hearing from June 24 -26, 2009.  The two local meeting for Miami-Dade will be today June 25  at 4:00PM at the Miami Science Museum, and Friday at the North Dade Regional Library at 10:30 AM. For more details check the PSC News Release link below. This rat...
I just finished reading an article published June 11, 2009 by Richard Mullins a writer for the Tampa Tribune. To sum him up the market is still going down and in his word the numbers are increasing. The number of foreclosures in Tamp area is up 32% from a year ago, with one out of every192 home i...
A day does not go by where I don't see some city or county taking action to "Fix the Foreclosure Problem".  To day newspaper tells how The City of Detroit implemented  a  new vacant property procedure to allow the city to board up a property at the banks expense, of course they give  them a warni...
The Federal Housing Agency (FHFA) just released the fourth quarter report to Congress. The main point of the report was to show what the agency has done to stop the increase of foreclosure in the housing market. They are reporting that the numbers are working it appears with the loan modification...
(The following information is for Miami-Dade County only, and no other part of the State of Florida is effected) Miami-Dade County passed a Certificate of Use (CU) Ordinance in December 2008. The intension was to inform Buyers of foreclosed property of the real condition not just the standard "As...
Well I think I will stick my head out on the line with this one. I going to say that the vast majority of professional out there free that Price drive the market. If the price is low enough someone will buy! If the price is not in range the home will will linger on the market.  I agree with those...

Chuck Mixon

Cutler Bay Specialist, GRI, CDPE, BPOR
smartphone(786) 205-3648
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