Many foreign buyers are flocking to smaller communities just outside the greater Phoenix area. Some are looking for the right "vibe", and are discovering that Casa Grande has the vibe, and Coyote Ranches is a community that gives them something very unique. One of the most unique features is fin...
Last year 63% of all the buyers that purchased property in our office in Casa Grande where from outside the town, or outside the state OR outside the Country. The #1 country for investment buyers into the Phoenix area market place is our friends to the north, Canadians. Good news is that Casa Gr...
I have asked so many people what they "need" for Christmas this year, and even though so many of our friends and family have faced tough times, most everyone I spoke with has answered, I don't need a thing! It had gotten to the point where each year we put so much effort into outdoing the previo...
ITS THE PERFECT TIME OF THE YEAR TO MOVE YOUR CONTACTS INTO THE REFERRAL ZONE The majority of us are looking forward to the get togethers and social events that the holidays bring. I heard an interesting chat on communication and if you put a number on people from zero to 10 in your relationship...
WANT TO BUY A HOME IN CASA GRANDE ARIZONA ? Lets start with the WHO, because it is about 64% of new home buyers combined with investor buyers are taking advantage of unheard of values in purchasing nearly new homes built in 2005 with many upgrades that builders charged big bucks for at point...
Please don't send emails that are wearing costumes. Halloween is over. I am exhausted from looking at recruiting solicitations disguised as learning and training sessions. Or better yet a networking happy hour to sell me a product. Frankly if you can't tell the truth in the subject line you pro...
Phoenix AZ has got to be one of the most attractively priced destination locations to buy a home. If you didn't use your personal home as an atm machine now is the time to leverage your retirement plan with real estate priced as low as we've seen in 10-15 yearsB Think about this, prices are so lo...
Okay you have to learn how to compliment your offline intiatives with an online intiative! Give yourself an "agent audit" and ask, on a scale of 1-10 where am I at in online lead generation. Do you know what is happening when clients click on your listings, and do you even know where all the li...
I recently attended a seminar for my local association and the guest speaker was Michael Maher, author of the 7 levels of communication. My husband and I had been out to dinner in a local restaurant and we observed two young couples and two small children all sitting around the dinner table. Th...
Investors are flocking to spend their cash on investment properties in the Phoenix market. Only 30 minutes away in Casa Grande, Arizona there is a "sweet spot" of nearly new foreclosed homes at prices that provide less risk and equally good or better return for risk. Canadian Investors have bee...