Is that really you Ginger Baker? The Frog wants to know. It would be hard to imagine anyone growing up in the 60’s that did not know who Ginger Baker was. His classic drum solo “Toad” will surely endure. I saw him perform a few times and he was a machine on the drums. If you don’t know that p
I am pretty sure this house has looked like this since the 1980’s. It gives new meaning to the term “staged,” and I have to wonder what a real estate agent would recommend upon taking the listing---and whether they could keep a straight face when recommending it. If you drive up and down Interst
Do you know the condition of the wire connections to your electrical service disconnect (main breaker)? If you are still reading and your eyes are not glazed over and have not clicked away to something more interesting, I pose this as a serious question. My point is that I suspect that nearly 100
I am sure that many of my readers have vinyl windows in their homes. What you might not know about these windows, if you have them, is that some of them---depending on the style and manufacturer of the windows---have weep holes at the bottom edge. Most single or double hung type windows have a t
This post is about a lot of things. It is about luck. It is about ladder safety. It is about electrical safety. It is about how sometimes if one can’t be "smart" enough---it is nice to know that sometimes one can be "lucky" enough. It is also important to get to a point where one is smart enough
When inspecting homes it is very common to find air fresheners installed of one sort or another. While they may be well intentioned and even of no consequence, I am obligated to assume they are there to hide something---until proven otherwise. The metal pipe running up the outside of this buildi
When you gotta blog you gotta blog! It’s true, and I am quite sure that my readers will know for sure, when they are done reading today's post, that this post is proof that sometimes: "you just gotta blog!" It helps that there is a group called “WeBlog Anything (almost).” If you don't know about
I am not sure of all of the factors that result in someone ending up homeless. It is pretty easy to sit in the comfort of my home and say that the homeless are totally to blame for ending up where they have. Of course I know better than this, and it makes their plight easier to rationalize in a
While it might appear that this poor plumbing vent is no longer plumb because it is plumb tuckered out, the reality is that the poor thing has been abandoned and no longer has a plumbing vent pipe inside of it to keep it plumb. It sure looks forlorn in this vast alligatored landscape. How can it
I inspected a very nice new construction home the other day---excellent builder, that obviously cares about the homes he builds. I love new construction. Let me put it a better way. I LOVE NEW CONSTRUCTION. Sure there can be issues, but if old and new homes consist of 1000 things that can go wron