Charles's Seattle Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Charles Buell Inspections Inc.
My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!



  2013 Grains of Sand   Well, probably actually more than that, but the point is still the same.  The days and years of our lives are truly but grains of sand compared to the whole shebang. Perhaps we should talk more about the “big shebang” theory instead of the “big bang” theory.  Anyway as we ...
  Given that the exterior cladding (or siding as it is commonly referred to) has the primary purpose of keeping water out of the house wall system, why would anyone construct this gladding so as to promote water collection? If you look carefully at all the little shelves created in this brickwork...
  We are all familiar with what it means when the home inspector climbs down from the roof and says, “The roof is toast.”  They may then go into a description of all of the things they saw that defends his or her position---especially if they are countering listing information that states, “Newer...
  Christmas for me and for many others I suspect, has had lots of “meanings” over the years.  The way it has been celebrated has changed with every generation---and will continue to change with every generation to come. Today, Christmas seems almost inseparable from the economic well being of our...
  Tis the season of change---and I don’t mind. Whatever this change of seasons means to you, the point is to make it mean something to you.  Some of the most important changes happen in our minds and hearts.  Sometimes our happiness and the happiness of those around us depends on changing our mi...
  It is not uncommon to find vinyl siding that has been melted/deformed by either sun reflection off windows or from someone parking their grille too close to it.  However, the other day, while I was inspecting a house with wood siding I saw the same sort of deformation that looked like the wood ...
  These little wood destroying organisms are awesome! Well maybe not so much for your house, but at least the damage will likely stay pretty localized.  Moisture Ants are only present if there is a leak or wetness sufficient to cause wood decay/rot.  What they seem to like is very slow consistent...
  Perhaps the title got you to start reading, but I think to avoid getting kinky real fast, I will let the double entendre end with the title. This post is about how a simple assembly issue with a downspout on a home has resulted in significant visible water intrusion resulting in water damage in...
Rain can often be the inspector’s friend. While it might not make for the most comfortable of inspections---especially a typical rainy winter day in Seattle---rain can often give the inspector information that he could only lose sleep over in the summer. Believe it or not it is not all that uncom...
It is common knowledge that when your furnace filters get plugged it makes the blower work harder---thus consuming more energy and shortening the life of the blower. But! But, just like “common sense,” “common knowledge” is also not as common as one might think.  In actuality, the opposite is tru...

Charles Buell

Seattle Home Inspector
local_phone(206) 478-7371
smartphone(206) 478-7371
Contact The Author

My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!

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