I have a new friend living in my head. While I am use to having lots of voices in my head attempting to convince me of one thing or another, this "new-kid-in-the-block" is actually quite helpful. What could be better? Most of my readers will remember reading about my unfortunate encounter with a
The house is 67 years old. It has me beat by two years, which is not all that much when you get to be that old. The thing about houses is that they generally don’t improve with age---especially the electrical components. Most houses from 1945 would typically have three separate wires running
Hey partner! Hey, to you too partner. How is it hanging? Same old same old---I did get my hair done like yours though. Yes, I see that---just hanging out here too---same as usual. As to the hair---I guess we will always see eye-to-eye on some things. I am bored to tears over here actually. I k
I have slung more drywall mud in my life than I care to think about. My messed-up shoulders will attest to that. I am quite sure that the amount of the goop I have spread around with a trowel is in the thousands if not tens of thousands of gallons. I have spent many hours clunking around on
Every 4 years it seems like a variety of new sports get added to the Olympics. (And no---this is not about women’s volleyball.) In that light I have my own nomination for a new event. In the spirit of stretching the definition of what a sport is, I will dub this sport: "Tabloid Toss." Just like
One of the most common builder errors that home inspectors have to deal with is the installation of concrete surfaces over the top of wood siding---or any kind of siding for that matter. It is not a good idea. That bears repeating: IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Since so many builders install concrete
Recently the Seattle Great Wheel opened on the docks at the water front. It is the latest attraction on the docks designed to promote the waterfront. While not the engineering marvel of the Space Needle, it is still a pretty cool piece of engineering. As one of the largest Ferris Wheels in t