Charles's Seattle Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Charles Buell Inspections Inc.
My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!



  I have made the case for doing pre-listing inspections before and I thought I would take another stab at it.  They are still VERY rare in my market. As a home inspector I have to overcome the obvious fact that it is in my best interest to have pre-listing inspections done.  After all, if all ho...
  If we are discussing “organisms,” one could argue that it might be wood decay/rot.  If we are only talking about “wood destroying insects” the answer would likely be Subterranean Termites (if you live east of the mountains) or likely Anobiid Beetles (if you live west of the mountains). I have n...
  I am accustomed to seeing things done in a “less-than-professional-manner.”  I think I am safe in saying that all other inspectors are used to it as well.  I have even used the term in an inspection report or two---sometimes I just can’t resist. The other day I was in this crawl space and came ...
  Nearly every household has to figure out what to do with those unsightly garbage cans and recycle bins. Most attempts in dealing with them are typically pretty pathetic---and I have to include my own attempts in this generalization. At a recent inspection, I came across a solution that was abou...
The vast majority of homes I inspect as a Seattle Home Inspector are your typical stick-built, wood frame homes.  They might be multi-story, split level, ranch or NW Bungalow, but for the most part they are pretty much different versions of the same thing---more style differences.  Even the occas...
  This is a question that always gets answered during a home inspection and if it can’t be answered, further evaluation is recommended.  This is especially important on older homes, because with older homes sewer scoping is going to be recommended and access to the drain is important for this spe...
I was at Twin Ponds, Shoreline, WA, the other day and noticed peculiar circular structures in the shallow water.  There were maybe two dozen of these circles around the pond at various locations   They are fish nests. Who would have ever thought that a fish could build a nest. I am not much of a ...

Charles Buell

Seattle Home Inspector
local_phone(206) 478-7371
smartphone(206) 478-7371
Contact The Author

My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!

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