Charles's Seattle Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Charles Buell Inspections Inc.
My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!



  Chicken Noodle Soup   The problem with writing about feeling like crap is that I usually do not feel like writing when I feel like crap. When the head pounds and the words only come out between pulses and sneezes, it is hard to imagine that things will ever be right again. Of course, over the c...
  An old carpenter once told me that a really good carpenter never makes mistakes while a really great carpenter knows how to fix their mistakes so they never show. I am not so sure of the validity of this wisdom, but most likely it happens all the time.  After all, if the carpenter uses a really...
  Today I am going to take on a common problem that is both complicated and simple.  It is complicated in the sense that our attempt to make floors feel warm over unheated spaces is a band-aid on a problem---as opposed to a cure.  It is simple in that there really should not be any cold spaces un...
  Electric forced air wall heaters are very common.  Other than needing cleaning periodically they typically work pretty well. I did a post recently about one that caught on fire due to being plugged with lint.  They often have a foul smell when they are turned on for the first time in the fall. ...
As a builder, I used Simpson hardware from the very beginning---1971.  That is quite a while, and the company has been around a lot longer than that---since the mid 1950’s. At an inspection the other day I found what appeared to be an “upstart” in the industry attempting to gain a foothold on the...
  I was installed in 1958. I am working as well today as I did then, which, I might add, is likely better than the guy writing this for me. I will likely continue to go on working indefinitely---unless “style” boots me out the door. Actually I think I look a good deal better than my modern counte...
  The previous part of this story was necessary to set the stage for how lucky human beings are---compared to Turtles.  At least---I am pretty sure that is true. While turtles have no choice but to hibernate when it gets too cold, human beings, at least theoretically, have a choice to not go unco...
  I find hibernation a fascinating adaptation of some animals. Turtles in particular are interesting.  They can spend a huge percentage of their lives buried in mud as the world goes on above them.  They go to sleep when their environment is too cold and then wake up again when it is warm enough....
  I have done many posts about clogged dryer vents and the types of duct pipe used on dryer vents---and it is a subject that bears repeating. While it is pretty easy to convince people for the need to vent their dryers outdoors, getting them on board with maintaining them is a whole nuther story....

Charles Buell

Seattle Home Inspector
local_phone(206) 478-7371
smartphone(206) 478-7371
Contact The Author

My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!

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