Perhaps they just liked blue! Baby blue at that. Home inspectors notice the darndest things. There is no stopping us, in fact, we can’t even stop ourselves. Now most of the time, noticing things is a good thing---in terms of reducing the risk of missing things that do matter. Other times it s
It is hard to not notice that houses seem to have “themes.” Just like Disneyland, the US Congress or other theme parks, homes too can be united by common features. This post however is not about the “houses of horrors,” befitting any Halloween night, that have become common with short sales an
When moisture condenses on plywood roof sheathing repeatedly or continuously the wood will turn black. This can be caused by the action of fungal growth and molds and the affect they have on the tannins in the wood. The following picture is of a long standing moisture condition in an attic wher
It is not all that unusual to turn the dishwasher on and have water come out of the air gap device---such as this one where the hoses were hooked up backwards. This condition is immediate and is obvious as soon as the dishwasher starts to drain the first time. It usually only occurs in new cons
Everyone talks about the building codes. Buyers want to know if the work that was done is “up to code.” Inspectors like to claim they are not code inspectors. Some simply wish the codes didn’t exist. Let’s face it, when it comes to codes they can be a pain in the butt in the context of selling
There is an ongoing argument among home inspectors as to whether their Standards of Practice is a “bar not to be exceeded” or the “minimum that an inspector is required to do.” Finding myself in the latter camp I have wrestled with different arguments to support my position. I have come up with
Today’s post is about one such little detail. In this case the risk of its being a “big deal” is small but I have seen similar installations where, over time, considerable damage does occur. This is a typical lead flashing common on houses in the Northwest. The flashing is made of lead. It i
Valentine’s Day is only evil when we don’t have one. Sixth grader puppy lover's Valentine. Cards with cupids, Sugar hearts and giggles were enough. (Though innocent without perspective.) Surely more benign--- ---Puppy Love and Valentine's? I hate Valentine’s Day! Even the Pope agreed! (Though p
All of my note taking during inspections is done by camera. Very rarely do I ever write anything down. I photo everything from data plates to just general reminder pictures that tell me what kinds of floors there are and what the driveway and roof is made of. I have found that there is almost