No this is not the Twilight Zone.No I didn't write this before I had my morning coffee.And while "eventually" the correct wording of "what goes up must come down" will no doubt come into play, for the immediate future I have the wording correct.The original saying of "what goes up must come down"
I remember when I was a kid it was common to make some spare change by scavenging the neighborhood for old farm equipment. This old metal could be turned into cash. Nowadays the opportunities to make some extra cash in this manner seems to be less than it used to be---now we are expected to rec
Yup, hidden right there in plain sight.I see lots of improper wiring while inspecting Seattle properties. Missing junction box covers---even the whole junction box itself being missing, with wires just running wild, are all too common.A recently discovered missing junction box that was a little
The PuzzlerIt was no ordinary puzzle. It came in a sealed box just like any other puzzle. Except there was no picture on the cover. "10,000 pieces!"---the box said. "If you put together no other puzzle in your whole life------let it be this one!"---the box said. The Puzzler was intrigued. Seduced
This past week my site was hacked---twice. I have been humming along with my WordPress site now for just about a year and I do love it.I do not love being hacked and frankly putting hackers away for life, and hung by their thumbs would not be too much punishment in my opinion---or
A huge surprise in our lives is coming to terms with the fact that we actually do not have the time to do everything we want in our lives. While it may be true that we can be anything we want to be, not only can we not be EVERYTHING we want to be, we must reconcile what we want to be with the re
Every inspection report likely comes with a fair amount of "qualifiers." Qualifiers are anything that has to be added to cover somebody's butt---whether it is the buyer's, the agent's or the inspector's. These are affectionately referred to as the CYA's of the report. These CYA's can be broken