There seems to be a general lack of understanding about the building codes and the enforcement of codes. They are touted as the "final" word while at the same time they are known to be a "minimum standard" to which structures must conform.Home inspectors are often chastised for quoting codes and
Lets try this little experiment With multiple lines this time and with some color And with a change in font and size OK?
People love to beautify their yards with trees and other plants.For some it is like some sort of "homeowner right" to plant whatever they want, wherever they want, without giving any consideration as to how big that plant or tree will get and how it might affect them or their neighbors.Some speci
Before I attempt to answer this question, I will take you on a little detour. What do you consider new construction? As a Seattle Home Inspector, a home that has only been lived in a couple of years I would still consider "New Construction." Basically any house that was built under "current cod
As most of you that follow my blog know, I occasionally crank out a short story and share it here in the rain. I know the story is a little long for a blog post--but I hope you will give it a chance. Most of these stories are in some way autobiographical---but as I like to say---perhaps closer
One could argue that teens end up pregnant due to hormones, rebellion, religion---or even lack of religion. While I am sure these are factors in some cases, I think that another huge factor is "lack of information." Of course, even with the best information, "things can happen in the dark" that
I would love to be able to appeal to "common sense" as the solution to several issues present in the picture below. Of course the picture is of one defect in particular, but also captures several other issues. I took the picture to document the cutting of the floor joist. It was cut to allow f