Charles's Seattle Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Charles Buell Inspections Inc.
My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!



I did an inspection of a brand new, bank owned, 4 unit apartment building recently.  The building is three stories tall with a flat roof.  The only way to the roof was by  a 20 foot ladder from a second story deck.  I am trying to give you the sense that this roof was anything but accessible.  Bu...
Feed the Spoogles!I argue that Google is pretty darn smart.   Since the beginning of the use of search engines to access information on the Internet, people have tried to figure out how to take advantage of how search engine spiders operate.  People want to get their information found better and ...
We have all seen the adds on TV for the dishwasher soaps that promise to leave your crystal wine glasses just as spotless---as a Dalmatian is spotted.On a recent inspection I found a dishwasher drain installation that is guaranteed to keep that crystal even MORE spotted than a Dalmatian.  Take a ...
How you handle sticky situations can tell the world a lot about who you are and how you will be in other sticky situations.   People want to get a sense of whether you will gum up the works or not.  They want information they can chew on without feeling they have to immediately spit it back out.I...
Well, if not a screw loose----maybe a few missing bolts?At a recent inspection I found this nice railing on an upper deck of a home.  On closer inspection I noticed that the bottom plate of the corner post had four bolt holes with no bolts.  To myself, I am thinking , "Gosh---they forgot to bolt ...
The control and use of fire is what separates humans from the other beasts on the planet.  When we lived in caves we had to figure out ways to keep smoke from killing us and when we moved into wood structures we had to figure out ways to prevent fire from burning the structures down and/or to all...
A blood curdling scream of pain could be heard over the running water in the Master Bathroom Shower."Honey---are you all right," Sweetie yelled back at him?She could not imagine what could have caused such an outburst.Now a series of profanities could be heard "streaming" over the running water i...
To XFINITY and beyond……. I REALLY hope that Corporate Comcast has their Google Alerts turned on and that they find this post.  If they do, and make satisfactory changes, I will be more than happy to laud their efforts as I now chastise them. Comcast is more like "Comicast." For over two years I h...

Charles Buell

Seattle Home Inspector
local_phone(206) 478-7371
smartphone(206) 478-7371
Contact The Author

My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!

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