At times, In our lives, We act like a “bump on a log.” It takes courage to venture from the comfort of our log, Even if that fall is necessary. Sometimes all it takes is a nudge. Sometimes nothing can make us budge. Sometimes we learn to move Out of experience, Out of longing, Out of love. Somet
Ghosts! When she called me to book the inspection she said that she knew the house was haunted. She said she didn’t believe in ghosts. I did not question it, I recognized the address, and had heard stories about the house being haunted. I also believed she didn’t believe in ghosts. The house
I have blogged in the past about Urea-formaldehyde insulation, and I still frequently find it on inspections. Many people still have vague recollections of its being a problem in the past. And of course the Canadian government still thinks it is a big issue---while the EPA is relatively mute o
Electrical defects in homes certainly make up the largest portion of most inspection reports and usually represent the biggest portion of the Summary as well. Considering that most people are scared to death of electricity, I find it a little curious that there are so many electrical defects in
This was a question I was asked frequently as a kid. Kids have little concept of hot and cold---let alone what it takes to heat a home. Leaving doors open as they run outside is common. It always has been common, and probably always will be common. But doors and windows are not the only thing
Modern construction regulations require that some means of limiting water temperatures of the hot water being delivered to tubs, showers and bidets be installed. This is achieved by installing pressure-balance, thermostatic-mixing or combination pressure-balance/thermostatic-mixing valve at the
On first glance this stair barrier railing appears to be adequate. It meets current requirements as to the amount of space between the balusters as well as the space along the floor under the barrier. It is even of sufficient height. Where it falls short is that it is not fastened in place---AT
The house had no garage. It used to have a garage. It used to be under the house. It was pretty obvious why there wasn’t a garage any more. While lots of garages under houses get remodeled as a way to get more living space, this garage was finished off for “other” reasons---although the new bon