Charles's Seattle Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Charles Buell Inspections Inc.
My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!



     Well normally, except for the buyer, no one usually watches me work while I am doing Home Inspections in Seattle----or anywhere else for that matter.       On a recent inspection I had the pleasure of being under the watchful gaze of three nefarious characters that likely only rival Nutsy i...
     At a recent inspection when I was looking across the roof from a porch roof I could see a strange bump with some discoloration around it----just to the right of the chimney near the top.  Can you see it?      Any guesses as to what it might be?      Well if you were strange enough to guess ...
     When Home Inspectors look at homes, they must have both a “big view” and a “little view” of the home.  In other words they have to be careful to not get so focused on the details that they miss the big things.  They must also be careful to get in close so as to not see just the big things. ...
     Butterflies are beautiful and mysteriOus creatures.       Depending on the species and the environment, they have a life cycle of around 6-8 weeks----from egg, to chrysalis, to caterpillar, to butterfly and back to egg.  The Butterfly portion of this cycle is approximately 2-6 weeks-----rou...
     I don’t loose many inspections to other inspectors once the call for an inspection comes in.      I lost one the other day for a reason that has not come up for me before----but it is a reason that is likely to become more common.      I lost the inspection because the agent recommended me ...
     I am sure we can all remember looking at clouds, pretending to see shapes of things in the clouds that were not really there----either chemically induced or not.  From our earliest times, humans have tried to find patterns in what they see.  I mean, does anyone really think that there is ac...
     Kitchen ranges have always had safety issues associated with them----whether they were old style wood or coal burning units or modern gas and electric units.      Back in my “hippy days” my first wife and I lived, for four years, in a Ferro-cement dome-house-----a quarter of a mile off the ...
     Well actually, the Craft Man’s Ship has not “sailed” anywhere----it may be that only our “focus” has changed.      Way back before the Internet was invented, before there were home inspectors poking and prodding, before “This Old House” and “Fine Woodworking” magazine were around, and LONG ...
     I think one of the key requirements to being a Home Inspector is to have a sense of humor.  If we could not get a chuckle out of the stuff we see in homes, we might be forced to work at rendering plants, empty porta-potties, or become bikini waxers.      I find it ironic that the same licen...

Charles Buell

Seattle Home Inspector
local_phone(206) 478-7371
smartphone(206) 478-7371
Contact The Author

My blog is intended to provide information related to home inspections in Seattle, surrounding communities and anyone else interested. Sometimes I will provide information that has nothing to do with home inspections. Enjoy!

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