Another Active Rain success story. Barbara-Jo of Clearweater, FL points out that after four years of blogging on Active Rain, ONE THIRD of her leads come from her blogs. She is proof that ACTION = RESULTS. Newbies -- take note. You can do it too. ActiveRain is turning 5 years old! This ...
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. Craig Rutman is at it again. He has a knack for finding the unusual. If you have siblings, you will understand the rivalry here. This Mothers Day video will have tears rolling down your face. May 8th, 2011 is the one day of the year that is officially recognized as... Mot...
She's a lady and the lady is MINE. Nine years ago, I married my friend. We've worked and played together. We've laughed and cried together. We've had our share of disagreements. We've moved a couple of times. We've been through better or worse and...
Here's another contest opportunity for shutterbugs. Get out your camera, take a picture and write about it. How simple is that. You have until May 21st to enter. This is a great way to add on to your picture taking/writing skills and get some more exposure here in Active Rain. Maybe you already...
The smallest bar in Key West, Florida My wife and I went on a recent vacation to visit her dad in Englewood, Florida. The day we left Michigan, they got hit with eight inches of snow. It was tough to take the sunshine and eighty five degrees every day, but we managed. We made it a point to visit...
Winter is gone and spring is here. This is what we do in Michigan to transition into the next season. To the southernmost and westernmost states, cold and snow are four letter words. Here in Michigan, it’s routine for the winter season. We become like a submarine getting ready to dive down. Ba...
Active Rain success -- another member hits 100,000 points. I recently blogged about my quest to reach my first 100,000 points. I am pleased with the responses and the support I have gotten from many Active Rain members encouraging me to continue blogging and to reach that first milestone goal. ...
ACTIVE RAIN is having a party in Seattle. Help them celebrate five years. Membership has grown to almost 207,000. There is so much to be learned here. Everyone is willing to share their toys instead of competing with each other. What will the next five years bring? ActiveRain is turning 5 this ...
AR Guidelines -- Blog comment spam. Is it okay to add this link? Active Rain is a great real estate community with over 206,000 members . There is no better place on the web to get the valued information that one can get here, just by posting a blog. The conversations that ensue through the comme...
Welcome New Member -- Nina Kuhl from Denver, Colorado. As I was looking through the posts for the 31 Days of May Challenge - 2011, I noticed a post by Nina Kuhl. After I read her blog, it became obvious she is asking all of the right questions and is eager to learn. Then I went and looked at her...