Hello subscribers. I have recently moved to Denver and started a new career as the Social Media Specialist for Foodservicewarehouse.com. I have also moved my blogging activities to a food blog called Wine & Dine. If you would like to continue to read my content (although the topic is completely d
Here is a presentation that I recently did on Social Media 101. This is a quick and dirty overview for those of you who are new to Social media. I hope that you find this information helpful. Please let me know what you think and feel free to leave comments and questions in the comment box below.
At Campbell Homes we are all about comfort, peace of mind, and quality... But don't take my word for it. In this video homeowner and local Colorado Springs celebrity, Scott Vaughn, talks about his experience working with Campbell Homes and owning his own Campbell Home. To learn more about Campbel
Ever wonder why a company (especially a large one) should have a Social Media Guidelines/Policy? Please refer to the following fan page: US AIRWAYS - http://www.facebook.com/pages/US-Airways/7531607692?ref=mf For those of you who are too busy to view the page I have decided to show you the only T
AHHH the peer pressure is on for me to post something on my blog! I have to apologize for not posting for so long. Its because I have been so very busy getting ready for the holidays and doing all the things people do when they are in Marketing and Social Media this time of year. I thought I woul
This morning I did a presentation on Twitter basics at CB Title hosted by Jill Webb. Below you will find the presentation I used. I hope you found this Twitter presentation helpful. I wonder... What are your favorite Twitter tips and tricks that you use? Will you share them in the comment box bel
On October 28th I will be teaching my very first social media class with an emphasis on Twitter. As I research my presentation I have come up with a short list of tips that will help you be a better Twitter user... #1: Use Tweetdeck! Oh man do I love Tweetdeck and it just keeps getting better. No
This blog is a continuation of the blog I wrote on how to sell to Gen X and Gen Y: Are you ready for the 116 million American home buyers over the next 50 years? As discussed before the landscape of the housing market is about to change dramatically. We will start to see a shift from the large ba
This is part 1 of a 2 part blog: Did you know that there are "approximately 116 million Americans ranging between the ages of 18 and 45" according to Ideas Magazine September/October 2009 Issue. This 116 million Americans are made up of the generation Y and Generation X folks who are not only the
Colorado Springs local new home builder, Campbell Homes has been building quality, highly efficient new homes in Colorado Springs, CO. We offer 6 unique Colorado Springs and surrounding area communities. We encourage you to visit any of our new home communities that we build in: Cordera, Indigo