Chris McNamara's (camfrye) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Keller Williams Western Realty
Dear Client, Just wanted to say, write, scream from the mountain tops: thanks. You’re the best client. How are you the best client? You’re knowledgeable about the market, you’ve got an open mind for opportunity, and you’ ve got a your financials together so that when we DO find the right property...
The Internet  is no longer a fad, much to the chagrin of a good friend of mine who will remain nameless. His stock in Beta tapes, Laser Discs, and Pepsi Clear are hopefully rounding his portfolio out nicely, and it's from this perch that there are  few squatters left. The solution the Internet so...
Hot'N'Scratchy.As I'm eating my breakfast of coffee and granola bars, this is the only food-chain moniker I can think of that would provide healthy sustenance for the "on-the-go" worker. And with more "muffin top" prevention that the Keebler Elf Human Resources Department (Hang in there, Elmer!),...
Anyone been in a cave? In the outback of Alaska? Both, possibly? Good, thanks for the show of hands.  If you haven't heard, read, or had suth-sayed (past tense of sooth?) for $1.99 a  minute, nationally the housing market is experiencing a "management restructuring." This is a politically savvy w...
$66 dollars.  I bought a Volkswagen, and filled up the 14 gallon tank for $66 dollars.  My short math is about as good as my Prussian so I'm figuring about $4.71 a gallon.  I'm feeling like I should get dinner first, but the young lad at the counter, set down his John Steinbeck book (no joke!), a...
Who's ready to hear about the market?  Who's ready to hear another "bubble" catch phrase?  How's the banking industry?   If my friend Doc Brown had his Delorean gassed up, we could travel back to when these issues were fresh on the headlines of your paper of choice (RIP Whatcom Independent! you'l...
And a  lot of folks have asked me, "What's great about Bellingham?"  Well, there are a ton of things to do, starting south on Chuckanut Drive there is a place called 1) Clayton beach, a sandy beach to get a nice morning ocean swim in, then a light hike back up to the car....if you like oysters, 2...
From a storm of grey days, one brief, shining moment emerged this Saturday. I don't know how, or why, and am guessing since the local weather folks get blamed for the inclement weather, they should gleam some sort of credit for this, but we had an incredible April 12th.And so, around 7:00, I pull...
This weekend was a rough one on the trail around Lake Padden, as the weather doesn't seem to be coinciding with the date (snow last weekend). With each morning, getting out of the car, looking at my MP3 player, and wondering why I didn't sleep in, I wonder when this feeling will start to dissipat...
In the first couple minutes I begin running, the same phrase comes to mind: this is going to be painful. Coming from a competitive family that did some sort of race every weekend, my usual reply when asked to run was that I was old enough now to stop running, and stay and fight. But talking with ...

Chris McNamara

local_phone(360) 738-7070
smartphone(360) 303-1034
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