
Well, we're almost there...the New Year that is! (Yeah, sign is backwards...NO I'm not drunk!) I've made a lot of new friends this year here on the network and I've met with some of you face-to-face. With others I've shared some great phone conversations and it seems like we already kno...
I wish everyone the Happiest of Holidays!!! Here's a video I came across and loved and just had to share :)
El servicio se llama "Opt-Out".Bajo crédito justo que divulga el acto (FCRA), el crédito de consumidor que divulga a compañías se permite incluir su nombre en las listas que son utilizadas por los acreedores o los aseguradores dichos para hacer las ofertas firmas de crédito o del seguro que no so...
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Consumer Credit Reporting Companies are allowed to include your name on lists that are utilized by said creditors or insurers in order to make firm offers of credit or insurance that are not initiated by you (these are known as "Firm Offers"). The FCRA ...
If I'm a homeowner facing foreclosure, understandably I would feel like the world is closing in on me. Creditors are calling, the electric bill is due and I can barely cover my phone bill and have enough to buy a carton of milk. How do you expect for me to pay for my mortgage? Eventually you reac...
Para algunos, si no todos, parte de viviendo el Sueno Americano incluye ser dueño de una casa! Para los que me conocen, yo trabajo el área de Los Angeles; he refinanciado y e dado varios prestamos para compra de casa ha mi ser humano. Recientemente, le pregunte a un vecino en Cypress Park... Preg...
The House Committee on Financial Services issued a Press Release yesterday, December 14, 2007 on the passage of the new FHA Modernization Bill (S. 2338) in the Senate. From the Press Release: “I welcome the Senate’s passage of their FHA legislation.  We are in agreement that this is an important ...
The Science of Real Estate... Hmmm... Well, if you watched Redfin's debut on the Today Show, you know that it clearly isn't anything genius! Just simple PR and nothing more! Ok, maybe that's putting it a little harsh... But the reality is, any good Agent already knows these things. It's blatantl...
Question of the Week: Should I use a Home Equity Loan to pay off my debt? Here's a quick exercise in determining whether this move makes financial sense... You'll need a sheet of paper (or two), a pen (or pencil), a calculator (if you don't have one, it's basic math anyway), and the invoices/stub...
Countrywide's (the nation's biggest U.S. mortgage lender) production for the month of November 2007 totaled $23 billion in total mortgage loan fundings; that's a drop in production of 40% since November 2006! From "Countrywide Financial Corp., the biggest U.S. mortgage lender, said...

Ricardo Bueno

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Contact The Author
I work for Diverse Solutions, Inc. a real estate technology firm based in Irvine, CA. We offer Mapping IDX Solutions and a WordPress IDX Plugin to make real estate agents more successful. Overall, I'm passionate about marketing and technology for the real estate industry!