
 Cramer says: "Don't you dare buy a home now - you will lose money."(Click on the link above to see the video!) Hmmm...what do you make of that?  Lenn Harley has an excellent rebuttal! Read her post: JIM CRAMER, REAL ESTATE, THE STOCK MARKET, and SOME PERSPECTIVE Additional Article(s) of Interest...
Recapitulemos:La hipoteca de tarifa fija 30-year hizo un promedio de 6.34%, encima a partir del 6.31% la semana pasada. La hipoteca de tarifa fija 15-year hizo un promedio de 5.98%, encima de levemente a partir del 5.97% la semana pasada. La hipoteca de tarifa ajustable de un añ0 hizo un promedi...
Let’s Recap:The 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 6.34%, up from 6.31% last week. The 15-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 5.98%, up slightly from 5.97% last week. The 1-year adjustable rate mortgage averaged 5.65%, down slightly from 5.66% last week. Interest rates rose ever so slightly this ...
I think it's safe to say that we all know Inman News! Well, they've just released their report on the 100 Most Influential People In Real Estate. And guess what? Some bloggers made the cut too!   *Note: You can download the report at The Industry Report blog by CLICKING HERE. And now, some of Ric...
In a recent article by Reuters UK, yet another lender falls victim to the "Mortgage Market Meltdown": "HSBC Holdings, Europe's biggest bank, said on Friday that it would close its U.S. subprime mortgage unit, cutting 750 jobs and taking an $880 million writedown, because the business is no longer...
There's been a much anticipated rate cut for the past couple of weeks. In fact the cut in the Discount Rate was seen as a prelude to a cut in the Fed Funds Rate. The only question looming in people's minds was whether we would see a cut of 25 or 50 basis points (.25% or .50%). Now to the good par...
Let's Recap:The 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 6.31%, down from 6.46% last week. The 15-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 5.97%, down from 6.15% last week. The 1-year adjustable rate mortgage averaged 5.66%, down from 5.75% last week. Those looking to purchase or refinance a home may find ...
Recapitulemos: La hipoteca de tarifa fija 30-year hizo un promedio de 6.31%, abajo a partir del 6.46% la semana pasada. La hipoteca de tarifa fija 15-year hizo un promedio de 5.97%, abajo a partir del 6.15% la semana pasada. La hipoteca de tarifa ajustable de un añ0 hizo un promedio de 5.66%, ab...
If you read my previous article, "Pointing the Finger At Who Is To Blame," you know that the Federal Reserve is often criticized for not having stepped in to resolve our credit problem earlier on. To be more specific, the Fed and Alan Greenspan are criticized for having kept interest rates low fo...
How many of you are guilty of playing the Blame Game? You point the finger at someone else and you say,         "it's their fault! Not mine." Well has compiled their top list of who is to blame for our credit fiasco. But before you see it, who do YOU think is to blame?    >>>>>>CONTI...

Ricardo Bueno

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I work for Diverse Solutions, Inc. a real estate technology firm based in Irvine, CA. We offer Mapping IDX Solutions and a WordPress IDX Plugin to make real estate agents more successful. Overall, I'm passionate about marketing and technology for the real estate industry!