Dominoes and Real Estate Don’t do Well Together I’ve never been a big fan of dominoes, especially when it comes to real estate transactions. It has been a domino day from hell so far and its not over yet. Two of the three deals went off without a hitch but the deal that was scheduled to clo...
JUST SOLD in Stone Ridge Park – Aurora Colorado 18835 E. Utah Circle, Aurora, CO 80017 Sold at $157,300 This great tri-level with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms had two offers in four days. This home sits on a nice lot with beautiful landscaping and a private backyard. The kitchen has all be...
Incredible Colorado Sunsets It seems that the entire state of Colorado is on FIRE right now. We have head extremely warm days with single digit humidity. Saturday we had a high of 104 degrees in Denver and Sunday was around 100 degrees. The winds seem to have tapered off a bit but the heat i...
JUST SOLD! Beacon Point – 25942 E. Orchard Drive, Aurora CO 80016 This brand new Telluride model by Lennar Homes in Beacon Point JUST SOLD. Located at 25942 E. Orchard Drive, Aurora, CO 80016 this home sold for $444,600. This is a great location and is walking distance to the state of the ...
Brand New Ranch Style Home by Pulte in Southshore – Ready NOW! This wonderful brand new Weatherby model by Pulte in Southshore is ready to call home NOW. Located at 27484 E. Euclid Drive, Aurora, CO 80016 Offered at $457,687 This spacious ranch has 2,549 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 3 b...
Broker Champagne Brunch – Pulte Southshore – Aurora, Colorado Pulte Homes is hosting a Broker Champagne Brunch at their Southshore sales office located at 27230 E. Lakeview Drive, Aurora, Colorado. Date: June 26, 2012 Time: 10:00 to Noon Rsvp to Sharon Ellis 303-868-0757 or email Sharon...
Sometimes a Friday Afternoon Break is Just the Ticket A friend and colleague is leaving Colorado to move to Indiana to be with family and start a new life. Today was her going away lunch at the Great Northern Tavern right next door to our office. Even though we will be sad to see her go, we w...
Sometimes We Will Go To Any Lengths for a Tasty Morsel I got a cute picture of this little chipmunk just after he was reaching up for a bite of a petunia plant. He just gave me a look like “Hey could you move this down about 6 inches so I can reach it a little easier”. I had no idea that chi...
Look Closer and You’ll Be Amazed at What You See When I was taking pictures last weekend, I noticed a trickling little creek going over some rocks. I took a quick picture because I always love anything with water in it. Then I put the camera strap around my neck and propped against the rail...
A Little Perseverance Goes a Long Way Perseverance and determination goes a long way toward accomplishing our goals. In real estate, we run into challenges on a daily basis. Our dedication and knowledge of our industry helps us to push through the challenges and reach the finish line of s...