
Fannie Mae is so far gone they'll be back any minute! I'm putting up a virtual high five to Joe Weisenthal from Business Insider and his "The Best Line on Fannie and Freddie You'll Read All Day." OK...FNMA had established a Loan Quality Initiative (LQI) to ‘identify and implement policy, process,...
I have lambasted the real estate industry on more than one occasion for issues I have with inconsistencies and the things that I categorize as unfair practices due to the adverse impact they have on consumers. A recent one of my Tampa mortgages blog posts criticized the new FAR/BAR residential re...
There are many things that separate me from the pack of mortgage bankers in Tampa Bay. (I am fortunate to have the testimonials to prove it!) But seriously folks, as most of you know, I am a crazy technophile. Not in the "one with the most toys wins" kind of way, but in the "it's the only way to ...
As a Tampa mortgage lender, I seem to be shaking my head in disbelief a great deal; not at the the Fannie's and Freddie's of the world! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, those telltale fins emerge from the depths ready to take down the unsuspecting home buy...
Don't want to be the mortgage banker yelling the "Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!" ...but I do want to be the one that reminds everyone that the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) is set to expire...again. That September 30th date is looming large and you can't afford to miss it. Now jus...
I don't like to throw statistics around too often. They can be misconstrued and twisted. But some of them just shout out and leave absolutely no room for interpretation. Here's one: According to, buyers' closing costs jumped almost 37% over last year. This info is both startling and ...