6012 Druid Pl Capitol Heights MD 20747 pg8459194 For info or a private viewing call 410-610-4752 Not Short Sale or Foreclosure! Newly renovated with fresh paint, appliances, refinished hardwood floors, drywall and new floors in the basement! Just over 2 miles from the Suitland Metro Green Line.
Video Tour Of New Tounhouses In Prince Frederick Check out our video tour of a finished model from Curtis Homes in their new Oak Tree Landing subdivision right in Prince Frederick. They start around $270,000 and Curtis has agreed to pay ALL closing costs so you can move in with only $1,000 (ea
VA Loans in PG County Maryland Learn about VA loans and the VA loan limits in Prince Georges County.
Search For USDA Eligible Areas Looking for a way to see which houses and areas are eligible for a USDA loan? Just click over to my website where I have a nifty page that lets you search both specific addresses and areas like citys, towns, and counties. We just learned that USDA is keeping thes
USDA Loans In Calvert County MD USDA Loans are no money down 30 year fixed rate mortgage otherwise knows as a Rural Development Loans. In Calvert County your household income must be below $101,000 for 1-4 people living in the household and 133,300 for 5-8 people living in the household. Curren
Improve Credit For A Mortgage Trying to improve your credit for a mortgage? When trying to improve your credit for a mortgage make sure you are working with an expert who's advice is not tied tho their financial gain. There are lots of ways to improve your credit but before you stary paying col
No Money Down Loan There are two no money down mortgages. The first is the VA loan for veterans and active military and the other is a USDA Rural Development Loan. USDA Loan Restrictions The two main considerations for a USDA loan is the income limit and the location restrictions. The income l
Income Limits For A USDA Loan The income limits for a USDA loan determine the maximum limit of money a household can make and still obtain a USDA loan. This calculation is based on everyone living in the house not just who is on the loan. There are no exceptions and this limit is not flexable. T
8 out of 10 that call me are not able to qualify... Learn the 3 biggest mistakes most people are making. There is not a lot of information available about what you need to do to get prepared for a mortgage. You don't learn it in school, your bank doesn't have a pamphlet in the lobby, and most
I promised Ryan and Josh I would post the results from How Many Leads Will $3000 Get In 1 Month? (I am about to find out!) Well to say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement! I had to turn it off and regroup so I dont lose any of the people contacting me about these deals. A quick summarr