Lease Registration in OntarioQuestion:Does a residential lease that was originally listed on the MLS get registered the same way a sale does? In other words, can you look it up after to see how much the property was rented for?Answer:Third parties are deemed to have knowledge of the rental of pr...
Use of “more or less” in Description (Ontario)Question:If according to the Agreement of Purchase and Sale lot dimensions describe a depth of 100 feet, and after client moved in and did a survey he found out the lot in depth is 95 feet What action could be taken by the buyer to this effect?Answer...
Term Posted Rate Preferred Rate Open 1 Year 6.30% 6.30% Fixed 1 Year 3.04% 2.64% Fixed 2 Year 3.24% 2.54% Fixed 3 Year 3.44% 2.69% Fixed 4 Year 3.89% 2.94% Fixed 5 Year 4.99% 2.94% Fixed 7 Year 5.30% 3.69% Fixed 10 Year 6.10% 3.74% Variable 2.35% Prime 3.20% Benchmark 4.99%
Stackable Conditions Work WellYou don’t always have to have all your Conditions spelled out one after the other taking up pages and pages in an agreement.Why not consider stacking them?Let’s merge building inspection, environmental, lawyer’s approval, SPIS, septic, Insurance, and water.Consider t...
Estate and Succession Planning CourseWills, estates, powers of attorney, trusts, taxation, life insurance and some of the simple everyday problems that occur in real estate.This particular course goes hand in hand with Family Law. Who signs for the Estate? When can you list a property? Should you...
Family Law - Course 29 November 2017Consider the following: You are the Listing Agent. Bob the homeowner tells you that he was married to Mary He and Mary lived in the house Mary and Bob did not get along Mary moved out 4 years ago Bob now lives wit...
Assignments What you need to know about Assignments:· Assignment arrangement,· Risks and liabilities.· How to fill out the Form· How to complete the Schedules· Missing something could be “fatal” to the deal· Ineffective disclaimers· When does it cl...
Difference Between Two Real Estate Court Orders in OntarioQuestion:An injunction is a court order stopping a party from continuing a breach.( In my other wording and understanding, to do what they were supposed to do)Specific performance is a court decree or order that the party in breach must d...
Sale of Business In Ontario (Deemed Inclusion)Question:The waiver provisions allows the buyer to waive receipt of items and assets excluded from the sale. There is a provision indicating that any asset not listed on the exclusions is included. So, if no exclusions listed then all assets are inc...
Sale of Business In Ontario (Financial Statements and Waiver) Question:The Real Estate and Business Brokers Act requires the seller to provide financial statements for the business to the buyer. Can the purchaser can sign a waiver for receipt.Answer:This is not a requirement under the Act. The S...