From Julea Joseph, Interior Stylist I couldn't have said it better! What is it about Model homes that make them so appealing? Is it the freshness of all new; is it the sassy paint colors, the perfectly placed furniture, art and accessories or the beautiful groomed backyard that makes you want t...
So you gave up to Foreclosure? The IRS may be on your heals!If you are one of the thousands of homeowners that felt relief by allowing their homes tobecome foreclosed on your relief may be short lived. Many of us became wrapped up in theability to use our homesteads as ATM machines and the banks...
This is a great and timely post for what's coming by Jeff Geoghan!This is one of those posts where I wish I didn't have to write it, but felt it was so important to my readers that I would be remiss not to at least talk about it. Everyone out there probably knows somebody who is behind on their m...
I came across this explanation of home modification loans that may be of interest to you.Has your short sale or loan modification been turned down and you have no idea why? Let's examine some of the reasons. These reasons may not make you feel any better or maybe they are just excuses by your len...
From JL Boney in S Carolina - There's no doubt in my mind that one of the most overused words in the world today in EXPERT. It seems that everywhere you turn there are tons of people in every field imaginable that are experts. But the truth is that it takes more than saying you are an expert to ...
Here is a great post from Brad Andersohn (Active Rain) on how to create a blog - this is a good comprehensive post that I hope you enjoy!How to Create a Blog Post for Customers and Search Engines. There are three important audiences to be writing for: 1. Other members and friends of your Social ...
Don and I attended the Summit Club meeting this past week for top producers at Metrobrokers GMAC Real Estate. We heard some stats about a revised increased NAR prediction of 5.3 million transactions being projected through 2008 and at least a 3% increase in 2009. So is that astounding? No, but t...