My wife Susan and I rarely sit down and watch TV together, but when we do we have an unspoken rule that allows us to enjoy the experience. If she sits down first, we watch what she wants to watch. If I sit down first, we watch what see wants to watch. Simple, eminently fair according to Susan and
Imagine becoming the recognized real estate authority in the community of your choice and building that reputation in less than 60 days. Now imagine doing it without spending a dime on marketing in a neighborhood that is presumably entrenched by your competition. Sound impossible? It's not!The Pr
Everyone has their own little idiosyncrasies, like counting steps or washing their hands or trying to memorize pi to the 10,000th decimal point. At least I think they do, don't they? And, even though I've never admitted this before, I too have my own idiosyncrasies.From the time I was a little bo
I still can't figure it out. There are at least 50,178 real estate agents who know how to create a blog on Active Rain, and few if any are using their blogging skill to build their business. I read article after article from some amazingly knowledgeable real estate professionals about real estate
I love Active Rain. I don't think there's a better place for non-real estate people to learn what real estate people are all about. Amoung other things, I teach real estate agents how to generate real estate leads. So participating in Active Rain and reading what you all have to say to one anoth
If you want to generate an endless flow of highly qualified leads, your web site must have four things, with no exceptions. It must be able to:1) Show the MLS - To attract homebuyers2) Help people determine the value of their home - To attract home sellers3) Collect names and contact information
Mix Things UpEvery once in a while it’s good to mix things up a little bit. So rather than start a post on how to succeed using the Internet to market your real estate service, allow me to give you the floor. Here are the rules:Try to keep your post to 4 sentences. (If you can't keep it to 4 sent
"How would your life be different if your customers and prospects saw you as the recognized expert in your field?" That was the question posed to me by a friend of mine back in 1990 when I was six years into my customer service training business. Up until then I had worked my tail off just to ear
Last week I wrote about the importance of projecting likeability over the Internet. Today I want to start the first of 10 articles on how to do just that. To start, there is nothing about being likeable that is politically correct. For example, we tend to like (move toward) good-looking people an
I've taken the opportunity recently to ask a few dozen people what they consider to be the most important characteristic they look for when choosing a realtor to either sell their home or help them buy one. The result of my informal survey surprised me. It surprised me because most realtors do ve