Peter Montoya is the author of the book, “The Brand Called You.” He believes, as do I, that the primary step toward building a successful business relationship is to build a personal relationship at the same time. He is so good at doing it in fact, that he was able to develop a relationship with
I love this software. It's simple and produces great interactive flash slide shows without the advertising that accompanies all the free slide show software. Place your mouse over the photos and watch what happens. You can even make the photos clickable links directing customers back to your w
In the future, the most successful real estate agents will dominate communities with the help of the Internet. Success will not be based on the size of a marketing budget, but on the level of the relationship. There is no easier or more effective way to build relationships than with the help of t
Farming a community using a blog is a great idea. It's free, it's interactive and it's something you can do while you're sitting at an open house or doing floor duty. But, under no circumstances do you want to farm a community using the blog software on your website. Here's why. 1. Website Conta
I'm going to take a risk. I'm going to tell you a few things about myself that I normally don't share in general conversation. It's not that I'm embarrassed or that I'm trying to hide anything, it's just that these are things about me that don't come up in conversations with people I affiliate wi
Scammers prey on the weak and the ignorant. They have an uncanny ability to spot a patsy from a mile away. Are they targeting you? Yesterday I received a call from a search engine optimization company guaranteeing that they could get my website on the front of the search engine results page for 1
I've been critiquing real estate websites for some time now with respect to SEO and usability and here's what I found. There are three common mistakes most every Realtor makes on their website and it is costing them business. Lots of business. I would like to talk about the first of those mistake
For nearly 50 years, Esther Pauline Friedman dispensed advice to readers in a daily column that ran in more than 1,200 U.S. newspapers. She started her career with the Chicago Sun-Times with absolutely no journalistic experience by dispensing usable advice in a friendly manner. In a very short ti
Up until a few years ago, the only way to farm a community was to send postcards and real estate reports through the mail. Not only was that method time consuming and expensive, but you had to compete with every other real estate agent who was doing the same thing. Fortunately, technology has mad
This is one of my favorite slide show programs from I like the technique and the ability to choose to show slides either with our without music. This is a slide show of my family and friends at the beach on Fathers Day. It's a tradition. It's also a simple way for you to get to meet