The latest stats for Louisville Kentucky courtesy of Greg Fleischaker of Louisville. Thanks Greg.Louisville real estate prices seemed to hit a high earlier in the summer, and has been decreasing a bit since then. Here is a graph that illustrates my point. If you would like to learn more about t...
Back when life was easier and things were simpler!I doubt that too many remember using these kind of phones. They were wall-mounted and had 2 large dry-cell batteries inside. The hand crank alerted the local switchboard operator that you wanted to make a call. She sat in front of a switchboard...
Like Maureen if you need help with the"Peace of Mind" program I can help you too. It is an awesome program and I don't know anyone else offering it. Check out Maureen's post below. It's worth looking at.When the Real Living Peace of Mind Mortgage Potections was last extended I must have missed...
What is going on with everyone in my business? I haven't had a week like this one in a long time. I think it is all because we are all working very hard to get any deal done these days. The Loan Officers are all letting things slip. Maybe because of recent changes in lending laws in the state...
I had a really great closing about a week ago. The Seller's were keeping possession for a couple weeks (pretty common in our market). The Sellers were to turn possession over on a Thursday, which they did. This is where the fun starts. The seller gave my buyer the garage door opener. No Keys!...
This is definitely worth the time it will take for you to read. Twitter on dudes.TweetDeck - A Must Have Application for Tweeters As some of you know I am starting a series of "Getting to know Twitter" blogs. One of the things that stood out most to me was that there are a lot of new Tweeter in...
How should you specialize? Or should you? I might ruffle some feathers with this blog, but I'm okay with that. I'm usually up for a good debate! Many real estate agents market themselves as "listing specialists" - that is - they focus mainly on marketing houses for sale instead of working with b...
Would you guarantee that a short sale will close in time for the $8000.00 Tax Credit?Wow, that's a tough question. With the first time homebuyer's tax credit deadline just a little over two months away that is the $8000 question. And it is, of course, impossible to answer. Every case is different...
Shellie can show you how to save a little m oney and proabably a lot of time. Times are tight and we are all looking for ways to cut our overhead expenses - BUT - cost cutting doesn't mean that you have to loose a features. Using some of the tools below may help you cut your telephone bills, pap...
If we colud all just learn that Silence is Golden or maybe Silence leads to Gold (meaning a commission). Jennifer is right on the mark. You should read and then listen.Glad you stuck with me through the Monkey Series! You made it all the way to the punch line. In case you just stumbled onto thi...