Loreena Yeo has shared some really good advise for all our lender friends out there. If you are a lender you should take a moment and read it. If you're a Realtor you should read it too and then share with your favorite lender. I've worked with many lenders over the years, serving my real esta...
Cell phone numbers go public this month. If you would like to stop annoying telemarketer calls to your cell phone you may register your cell phone number at 1-888-382-1222. REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you may start to receive sales calls...
Jackie Connelley-Fornuth has posted the most complete post I have seen on Active Rain regarding the Home Buyer Tax Credit. If you want a good understanding of what is up wuth that please take a moment to read this re Blog. The Senate and House are poised to agree on a compromise measure to ext...
Here is some great general info about Short Sales from Chris Plumb. One thing I would like to add to Chris's info is that the Short Sale process will NOT necessarily stop the foreclosure process. A person could get an accepted Short Sale agreement and still lose the home to foreclosure. A pers...
Will extending the Tax Credit set a precedent? Many of you may be too young to remember the first time rebates were offered by the automakers. Those rebates are a part of the daily ad routine today. In today's market you can almost expect a rebate from the auto makers when buying a new car. So...
Here is another Active Brad post to read and pay attention too. Brad shares numerous ways to check youself out on the net and your activity at social media sites. Brad is right. ONly you can protect your good name on the net.How Do You Manage And Protect Your Online Reputation? A few weeks ago ...
Robert Donovan has shared a really great lead generation idea in this post which I am re blogging here. What a great way to capture buyer leads. Our company, Real Living, provides us with a lead capture website that we use to make posts on craigslist already. This is just another way to captur...
I think Brad is absolutely right. This will go viral soon. The Google story is totally amazing and you get it all here in just about 2 minutes.The Google Story - A Video Story Book This just came out and was put together by the folks over at Google. A two minute video that I expect will go vir...
Erica is keeping us updated with accurate information regarding the extension of the tax credit. Thanks Erica.Stop the presses! I've seen three posts on Twitter and Facebook announcing that the tax credit has been extended until 2010. It's not true...yet. As of October 29th, 2009 at 2:37pm it ...
O.K. here is the latest that I know about the extension of the tax credit. The Senate has tentatively agreed to the following: 1) Extend the current $8000.00 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit to April 30th 2010. As long as a home is under contract by April 30th and closes by June 30th 2010 the Fi...