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Services for Real Estate Pros - Blue Water Credit
He’s over 5’5” tall, holds the door, is photogenic, has good hair, and doesn’t call you “Dude,” while high-fiving you - everything you always wanted in a man.  She’s pretty without caking on the makeup, is way smarter than you, laughs at your bad jokes, and lies to you that she likes sports – yo...
That’s right, by some opinions (mostly, mine) a cup-of-Joe is the most important motivating factor in American industry and commerce.  Why?  Because frankly, without our morning coffee, we wouldn’t even be able to find the office, yet alone be awake enough to get there on time.  If it wasn’t for ...
Success is not an accident, and in fact most wealthy people got their by careful planning, discipline, and conscious choices, not a windfall of luck.  There’s plenty of research into the basic principles the wealthy follow to earn their achievements, so here are 15 of the most prominent consiste...
    Small businesses applying for loans used to be in the dark, unsure of what credit score factors swung a lender’s decision to approve or deny their file.  The world of small business credit was essentially a closed book, until now.    FICO, the leading credit score factoring company, is now s...
As 2013 winds down and we start looking ahead to 2014, there is both reason for optimism and reason for concern when it comes to the U.S. mortgage market.    First, the rosy news:    According to statistics unveiled by the Federal Reserve, this year was the first time since 2008 when total home ...
Way back in 2009, a law was instituted with the sole purpose of protecting American consumers from funny business by the credit card companies.  The law, called the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act, the CARD Act as it was conveniently called, enacted some major change...
You’re at the cash register at your favorite store at the crowded mall, doing some late Christmas shopping, when the friendly cashier asks the inevitable question, “Would you like to open a store card and get an additional 20% off your purchase today?”   You look at the pile of your things and d...
Go wash your hands.  I mean it – go wash them well before you come back touch anything and read this.  You might also want to put on plastic gloves and invest in a gallon of hand sanitizer.  You’ll thank me later because I’m going to reveal the dirtiest surfaces around the house, the office, and...
I came across an interesting list recently that caught my attention, the daily habits of wealthy people.  Originally credited to Tom Corley on his website,, the wealth guru Dave Ramsey posted a rundown of the list.  Furthermore, he compared this to the percentage of lower...
  The day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, is almost upon us, a day that has become its own faux-holiday as consumers drive to the malls at ridiculous hours and wait in long lines for discounts.  But some of us prefer to stay in a warm bed and sip coffee, not mentally up to the torturous propos...

Jeff Sipes

Blue Water Credit
local_phone(916) 315-9190
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