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Services for Real Estate Pros - Blue Water Credit
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t conduct a lot of research when you open a bank account. Most likely, you go with a bank that’s close to your home or work, is a big national name that you think you can trust, or do business with them because they’re giving out a free toaster (or wha...
Right now is the best time in history to refinance for many homeowners who are still eligible...but if they wait, they're sure to lose out.A recent report published by the Washington Post revealed that 20 percent of American households with mortgages – about one million of them - are eligible an...
How the coming Fed rate hike will affect the average consumer - and how to best safeguard your finances. In June, some very important people will meet to make some decisions that will reroute the trajectory of the U.S. economy. The “Fed,” led by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will have one d...
   Every adult in the United States has a credit score, right? Not so fast, as recent studies show that a large percentage of the population actually are without a score at all, or have credit histories that are so sparse that they’re unusable. Those are the findings of a study released last week...
ents  When it comes to men and women, which sex can claim top honors for their credit scores? A recent study by the credit bureau Experian revealed some interesting differences about men and women when it comes to managing their credit and knowledge about how scores and reporting work, and it may...
18 Essential Realtor safety tips. 10/1/2014 0 Comments   The tragic case of murdered Realtor Beverly Carter reminds everyone in the business just how vulnerable we are, and especially women who are showing houses and meeting with clients. We care deeply about keeping our beloved real estate fami...
Murdered Realtor Beverly Carter reminds us just how dangerous our profession can be.  9/29/2014 0 Comments   This morning, news broke that shattered the real estate community and filled us with dear, empathy, and anger all at the same time. Arkansas Realtor Beverly Carter, who was reported missi...
45 Reasons why the American middle class is an endangered species. 9/23/2014 0 Comments   In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared a War on Poverty in his famous state of the union address, as he looked to strengthen and expand the prosperous middle class, a benchmark of the American dream. Pr...
Does it matter where you live? Average credit scores by state.  9/22/2014 0 Comments   When anticipating the differences in average credit score, there are many factors we may consider – income levels, age, and the amount of debt they hold the three big ones. But there’s another surprising facto...
10 Ways to get that raise you deserve! 09/18/2014 0 Comments   Although your work may be enjoyable and fulfilling, the real reason we’re all going to the office is to get a paycheck. The reality is that today’s business climate is more competitive than ever, as companies try to stay profitable, ...

Jeff Sipes

Blue Water Credit
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