Jason LaVanture's (bluelavamedia) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - www.BlueLaVaMedia.com
Jim has been pumping out a lot of HD Slideshows, or HD V-Slides as we've been calling them at http://www.BlueLaVaMedia.com (King of TC Virtual Tours).  I wanted to send you all a few samples of Jim's work so you can compare them to ones that your creating. If yours HD Slideshows don't look the sa...
What good is getting a virtual tour from anyone if it is not seen by the largest audience possible? A Big reason home sellers use a listing agent to sell their home is to get that maximum exposure only a listing agent can bring to the table. At BlueLaVaMedia, a Traverse City Virtual Tour Company,...
This is with flash and 12” reflective disc. This is with flash and no disc. Challenging Designs Inc. is proud to participate in Real Tour Visions HD Virtual Slideshows, offering low-cost self-service virtual tours for the smaller homes.  This is a definite hit with my customers in this economy. ...
Are you getting bogged down trying to keep your virtual tour company and customer base updated as technology changes and new technology becomes available? Launching new products and services can be a very challenging thing to coordinate especially if most of your day is eaten up by taking care of...
Nova Scotia virtual tour provider, Nancy Bain and Supernova Studios shares  thoughts on how to build your social media brand right the first time. Read on and don't let social media kick your butt! It’s no secret that social media is a hot topic. Every marketer wants to jump into what is — and ha...
Lately I've been getting a lot of phone calls from RTV Virtual Tour Providers asking me how they can get things started and even more phone calls from RTV Providers asking me how they should go about getting better sample virtual tours onto their website. The answer is to do BOTH at the same tim...
I have been a photographer for a long time and most of my photography experience has been with a wide range of film cameras.  It was only 4 years ago when I picked up my first digital Nikon D200 camera. Wanting to return to the profession, I joined the RTV virtual tour network a year ago as a dea...
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being part of a panel of three on the “Rock the Shoot” round table hosted by RTV’s one and only Jacque Burke. While I was on the panel with Michael Metzig of O C Real Tours & Brett  Weaver of SpotLight Virtual Tours to share our techniques for shooting Choice...
See this in action now! Text BlueLaVa6 to 43766 e you currently using the RTV TxT Connect System? Have you been thinking about offering a mobile marketing system for your property marketing company? Perhaps your a real estate agent reading this right now thinking how amazing it would be if you ha...
It’s time to get CREATIVE.  Let your inner artistic photographer out and get your photography to sell the new HD Slideshow. We have had an incredible response to the Slideshow Module.  Customers and dealers alike love the look, the features, the transitions, etc.  The new standalone slide show of...

Jason LaVanture

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