Jason LaVanture's (bluelavamedia) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - www.BlueLaVaMedia.com
Making a bigger QR Code is now easier than ever with this simple power tip from good ol RTV Virtual Tour Software.  Many of you have been asking me if I knew how to make a QR Code larger for print purposes. Watch this video and you can how you can enlarge a QR Code in just a couple more simple s...
How many of you remember when you had to crank the phone to get an operator that will place your call (I don't either but I've seen it in movies)?  Or when land line phones changed from the rotary to push button numbers.  I bet there isn't many of you had a home phone that shared the phone line w...
Real Tour Vision virtual tour software company did it again. The development of the mobile HTML software that allows our 360 virtual tours tours to run on iPhones makes realtor’s mobile websites even more efficient for our customers. Right now the realtor can place a rider sign on his listings th...
RTV virtual tour software comany is pleased to announce our new mobile virtual tour for iPad, iPhone, iPod, BlackBerry, Android, and other web enabled portable devices. This new virtual tour is specially formatted for mobile devices so users of our virtual tour software can offer their customers...
Do you have questions about photography, cameras, lenses, camera equipment, photo editing, HDR and more?  RTV is very excited to announce a brand new service for our Inner Circle Marketing members. Ask Ben will be a weekly online webinar-based group discussion hosted by RTV's Ben Knorr. Enjoy a ...
There's a potential Home buyer standing in front of your listing.  Wouldn't it be great if you were there to get their phone number? That's what BlueLaVaMedia mobile text marketing is all about. It's about capturing a buyer's attention. It's about giving them instant information on your property ...
There's a lot of talk in marketing about building a brand identity. It's not just the visual aspect of your logo or brochure, it's what your customer experiences emotionally. Customer service is what is going to set you apart from the competition. Are you smiling, cheerful and read to go the extr...
HISTORY: The results of a recent survey released by the National Association of REALTORS indicated that 46% of sellers desire online listing enhancement which includes virtual tours. Internal  Logs at REALTOR.COM showed that only 10% of listings on their site actually receive an enhancement of an...
This month our virtual tour marketing center has created a postcard that celebrates RTV's solid infrastructure, 100% up-time on our systems, and your ability as a provider to help keep a home online 24/7 until a buyer is found.  Check it out now in your virtual tour marketing center. We also cre...
In my years at RTV I have seen a lot of photos. I mean, A LOT of photos. Some are wonderful and amazing, some are ok, and occasionally there will be some that leave me feeling like I need to wash my eyes out with hot water.For a long time I would take note of who the good photographers were and a...

Jason LaVanture

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