Getting to Know the "Billionaire Nobody Knows" Bill Bartmann has been interviewed by TV stations, Radio Shows and Magazines. Many clips of Bill Bartmann are posted on the internet. Learn what Bill Bartmann has to say about business, the economy, current evens and more.
If you are building your business website, there are a lot of things you should consider putting on your site, like pertinent information about your company, how to order, how to contact you, etc... But just as important as what should be on your website are the things that you shouldn't have on ...
When creating a business website, there are a lot of things you need to keep in mind to make sure it is a successful website that promotes your company, sells your product and is inviting to your customers. Many people settle for just two out of three, but they may be losing something this way. L...
Bartmann, business coach, says a good sales letter is essential for any business that relies primarily on sales. You are relying on being able to bring people to your way of thinking so they will be willing to use your product, service or in some other way hire you. This means you need a sales l...
Do you want your business to succeed? Who doesn't! But how much do you want it to succeed? Can you see the success of your business? Can you feel what it would feel like to see your business where you want it to be? If not, your lack of ability to visualize it may be what is holding you back. T...
Have you seen the movie The Secret or read the book? Much of the concept behind this is positive thinking, and the power of positive thinking in your life. Some call it the Law of Attraction, explaining that if you think positively and act according to those thoughts, you will be able to make tho...
Bill Bartmann advises his students to seek help from other business professionals. When it comes to running a business, many people get it stuck in their heads that they need to be able to make everything work by themselves or they will be a failure. What they often don't realize is that by doin...
As Bill Bartmann teaches his students, if you want to make sure you are doing everything you can to let people know about your company and what you have to offer, consider looking into social networking. There are a number of social networks out there that can help you get your name and informat...
When people call your company, what do they hear? If you or an employee is at work, they likely hear your happy voices, but what if you are not around. What do they hear after hours or if all the phones are busy? You should have a professional recording that will pick up and take care of those c...
Bill Bartmann says when it comes to having an online presence there are a number of ways you can go. One of the popular things to do these days is to have podcasts available to download. Podcasts are literally informational audio recordings or videos that will give people information and be a lit...