If you improve your golf game will you sell more real estate? Do you play golf as part of the necessary conduct of your real estate business? Do people you sell real estate to or buy real estate from want to talk about their latest transaction while out on the putting green? Are you being laugh
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano announces local toll-free Foreclosure Prevention help line. “MORTGAGE TROUBLE? DON’T DELAY. CALL TODAY.” Governor Janet Napolitano announces local toll-free help line PHOENIX - Governor Janet Napolitano announced today the latest effort in a series of state init
I have met a lot of new people here on Active Rain since I started using it actively. Apparently there are large numbers of people on here from the greater Phoenix Area and I actually went to a meeeting recently in Chandler where quite a few of those AR members attended. Thsi group is called the
Social Networks – Is There One You Just Hate? Social Networking is all the rage these days and it seems like dozens of new social networks spring up each week. There are several that really annoy me and for which a reasonable way to describe my emotions about them would be to say that I hate
AZIGG - Arizona International Growth Group meets monthly to discuss international business topics that benefit Arizona-based companies and the state of Arizona. NEXT EVENT: WITH THE SCOTTSDALE CHAMBER Of COMMERCE Friday, June 6th Panel Discussion: Omar Sayed (Succeed), Steve Hill (Kyocera Solar
I just added a page To the Phoenix Blog about Real Estate Professionals Outside of Phoenix Real Estate Outside of Phoenix - If you are outside the greater Phoenix area and are looking for real estate help, these are some of the people we have met online who are not in Phoenix Arizona and the sur
Shea Homes Offers new Homes in Growing Area of Maricopa Arizona (Maricopa, AZ) - Many people who never thought they'd be able to own their own home, are discovering that the Town of Maricopa offers new homes loaded with features at affordable prices. With new FHA loan limits up to $346,250 and a
From the City of Mesa Arizona Convert from grass to Xeriscape and you’ll never have to mow again! Are people asking you "what's up?" and you find yourself answering "my water bill?" Is everybody else out having fun while you're home mowing the lawn? Maybe it is time to get rid of that grass or wa
For those of you in the greated Phoenix Arizona Area, if you have clients that are having trouble selling their homes and who are unemployed or underemployed and need help with their job seeking skills, interviewing skills, a quick resume review, negotiating skills or networking opportunities, p
Stumbleupon hint #1 Stumbleupon Toolbar Help Hints Tips and Tricks This post is part of a series of articles I wrote about Stumbleupon.com and the answers to various frequently asked questions various people had a need to know about Stumble Upon and how to use it, how to use the Stumbleupon T