I keep hearing stories from all over the country about how stale REO listings suddenly sell when pulled from the Listing Agent for auction. Interesting how just the "threat" of an auction is enough to get someone off the fence. The vast majority of us are still in a Buyer's market, and will be
"Don't bother me. Just get me contracts." Let's face it, Asset Managers at virtually every bank that has ever closed a mortgage are buried in REO's. They are just as frustrated as you are by the entire process. An idea was introduced to me some time ago that has made a big difference in how I
The auctioneer has a shotgun, the Realtor, a sniper rifle. When it comes to effective marketing, the sniper wins every time. Are you tired of REO managers handing over your listings to an auctioneer, and cutting your commission? The perception is that the auctioneer does a better job of market