Just a reminder the FHA guidelines are increasing to 3.5 % down, instead of the customary 3%. For those of you looking to purchase Foreclosures, there are some great deals out there. Don't wait too much longer. Betty Pasquale.(561) 373-1192pasqualeb@aol.combettymyrealtor.com
Light to bright in the room you are taking a photo in? Here's a great tip.. First, frame your photo in the viewfinder. Then, move your camera to focus on another part of the room that's not pointed at a window. Press your camera's shutter button halfway to lock the exposure in. Move your camera b
While showing property yesterday, I came across one home with mounds of sand in the interior corners of the house. There were little white flakes in it. What could this be? Is this a sign of termites or maybe just ants?
I am a realtor in the West Palm Beach area and I am currently re-structuring my marketing plan, I'd love to get some feedback. If you are a buyer or seller, where do you look for information? Realtor.com, Trulia, Zillow, etc... Please give me your feedback; I'd love to hear your comments and sugg
I've been looking for a good on-line foreclosure list for several days now. I've searched and searched but all of the websites I've checked are not updated on a regular basis. I would find an active foreclosure that was on the list, and then I would check it in my MLS. I've found that most of
There is a great new web site (www.equestriansport.com) which contains local information about Palm Beach International Equestrian Center, The Winter Equestrian Festival, World Dressage Masters, Battle of the sexes, Nations Cup, Rodeo, Spring Circuit, Steeplechase, Holiday Circuit, and more! T
Last week I was representing a buyer, and we made an offer on a bank owned property (forclosure). The list price was $129,900, the bank responded with highest and best bidder. I discussed with my buyer, and she really wanted the home. We offered $115,000 cash, and provided proof of funds. The