Besmove Property's (besmove) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros
Make sure to determine the actual cost of the house. Setting aside the mortgage, find out about the costs you would need to maintain and keep the house well-formed in the long run. For example, the HOA (Homeowners Association) fees, basic & major home maintenance or repairs, taxes, appliance repl...
Renting out a property can be a nightmare if you make these mistakes, here are the biggest mistakes to avoid when renting out a property. Renting to Unqualified TenantsFailure to properly screen your tenants with a credit report and background check can leave you footing the bill when they are un...
You can find the article with the list of key responsibilities outlined on besmove  
Property management market is to be transformed by the digital transformation that’s it’s affecting all other sectors. Real estate and Property Management are no different from many of the sectors that are being disrupted by digital transformation, everything from financial services two transport...
Property Management has very little innovation for the last 50 years, whereby landlords have used local property management companies to manage their property portfolio for a percentage on the rental income.  With innovations in the technology market as well as the wider real estate market, Prope...
If you are a landlord and looking to decide whether to use a property management company or not, then check out this blog outlining the benefits of using Top Reasons To Use Property Management Company.The simple guide outlines the key benefits for landlords and weighs in pros and cons for using a...

Maria Rosario

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